Aren't we literally supporting restaurants or any other business day to day? COVID or not?
Not to derail but I'm getting tired of everyone going after my money...went to the bank today (sir, did you want to sign up for this that and the other card?) no thanks...but it's such a great thanks
Order lunch...before you even get to the final screen (how much tip would you like to give?)
Drive that...
This store...would you like to donate? Nope, will do it myself direct thanks.
That store...would you like to donate? Nope, will do...
Other store...would you like to round up to donate? Nope, will do...
Do you want fries with your post?
The tellers, cashiers are told to ask everyone to sign up for something. Even the self check outs can do it, round up for XYZ?
Sir, would you spare a few minutes....
Me: Time is money. My minimum invoice is $250.00. I'll take cash, certified cheque or possibly a store credit.
Sir, would you mind participating in a short survey?
Me: If you are getting paid to ask the questions shouldn't I get paid more to answer them?
As far as CEO's of large charities getting large paycheques I have a concern about small minded people in charge of large projects.
I had an instrument in for service and it was taking loner than expected by days. When I finally got to talk to the techie he said he was trying to rejuvenate the battery by alternately discharging and recharging it for a few days. I asked how much a new battery was and the price was IIRC $250. I was losing about $1000 a day with it out of commission. With the new battery I would be good to go for several years. The rejuvenation bought me a bit of time. Small minded thinking.
Big charities are like any humanitarian service. Pay too much and get the greedy. Pat too little and responsible people go elsewhere. Responsible people must also be responsible to their families as well with housing and education. It's a tough call.