Canadian Tire selling used items as new.

True. My thinking is that he didn't want to miss out on the deal and bonus.

At that point I was just thinking **** it, I'll just buy whatever is on sale at Home Depot or Lowes.
Years ago a guy bought a new BMW at the now defunct McBride's. When he went to sell it a few years later the UVIP showed him as the second owner.

Way back I went to buy a Honda generator at Cycle World West. When they brought it out it had scuff marks on it I declined and went elsewhere. They said it was from dealer prep. It's a pretty crappy dealer if they scuff up stuff putting in the oil.
I bought an XBOX 360 for Wal-Mart once and it had already been returned and internals swapped so the power adapter and stuff didn't even fit it. To top it off the cashier scanned the barcode twice instead of scanning the serial number. Tried to return it to a different store and went through the same BS. Especially frustrating was that they kept saying the serial didn't match after I repeatedly pointed out it was the barcode. Had to return it to the original store and they refunded me.

I still shop at Wal-mart. Mostly for the entertainment value.
It's good you got your money back but it's also good that it was difficult to get it back. That's the way it should be and it's just too bad they aren't more consistently diligent in that regard. It's a crappy situation to try to prove you didn't use the item but the fact is it wouldn't have happened if the 1st return hadn't been accepted in the first place.
It's a situation that wouldn't have happened if they did their due diligence and actually checked the product and marked it as an open box/returned item.
Canadian tire's customer service are just like all their other employees, lazy POS, they won't do anything.
It's a situation that wouldn't have happened if they did their due diligence and actually checked the product and marked it as an open box/returned item.

I just checked Heartland's stock of this mitre saw, and it now says they have stock... so did they get more or are they again trying to sell the used one that I returned today?
probably got more. Automated inventory. I had it happen with stuff at Crappy tire too. Sometimes it works out though. Returned an air compressor over a year later. Was going to get a replacement under warranty, but they just refunded me the purchase. It was discontinued. Wonder if it was discontinued cause it was crap and they got too many returns?
If they have more stock just ask them to honour the sale. I've gone in after sales were finished and they typically honour within a few days to a week.
So was it actually USED or had just been opened? I get if it had sawdust in it, but it sounds like somebody took it home, opened it all up, yes you mentioned a scuff on the handle. But if it hadn't actually cut anything does it really matter? its a miter saw. And a fairly middle of the road saw at that.
So what did CT say?

I bought a cordless impact gun from them that was not all new - the metal body was showing a small amount of wear. I opened it and the motor looked brand new.

Tool works fine. Prolly refurbished. I dunno.

People are fussy.
I get that. In my case it was a deeply discounted manager's special thingie. $60 for an 18v, 220ft/lbs, pre-scratched impact gun.
So was it actually USED or had just been opened? I get if it had sawdust in it, but it sounds like somebody took it home, opened it all up, yes you mentioned a scuff on the handle. But if it hadn't actually cut anything does it really matter? its a miter saw. And a fairly middle of the road saw at that.

Yes it does matter. If I buy a new item, I want a new item. If I am okay with a used item I will buy off kijiji.

I didn't even get to the point of looking closely at the blade, as soon as I opened it and saw that all the accessories were opened and not contained -- i.e. all over the box -- I called it used. I didn't compare the manual's contents checklist to see if all the accessories were present, but if I wanted to be missing pieces I would just buy used to begin with.

CT hasn't responded.
I get that. In my case it was a deeply discounted manager's special thingie. $60 for an 18v, 220ft/lbs, pre-scratched impact gun.

If they had offered my a deeply discounted manager's discount for this item, I probably would have kept it. In this case I paid the price for new, not the scratch and dent price.
What? A guy who used the tool in question and can recommend a better alternative? lol
What? A guy who used the tool in question and can recommend a better alternative? lol
That's what that guy thinks he's doing in his mind
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