Canadian knife laws

I would love to see the response to THAT on Yonge St....

how cool would it be to be riding around in full leathers with a samurai sword strapped to your back??
that's how I'd be decked out in The Walking Dead...
You can have them. A cop would ask you for a valid reason as to why you have it in your possession at that point in time. If you say "for self defense" you've now told the officer you intend to use it as a weapon. Say goodbye to your knife :)

I use my knife to open clip pouches for my gun :cool:

True story - I bought some Czech surplus ammo that comes on stripper clips, wrapped in cardboard and sealed in plastic pouches. To get the loaded clips (not mags) out, you need to cut open the bag
No length limit at all just can't be concealed and can't open with one hand. You can carry a sword down the road as long as it's in the open.

I know this was posted years ago, but this is the actual law as far as opening mechanics "a knife that has a blade that opens automatically by gravity or centrifugal force or by hand pressure applied to a button, spring or other device in or attached to the handle of the knife"
I love butterfly knives and I wanted one to practise tricks with. I would never bring it outside or use it for anything but it got stopped at the border and confiscated. I didn't bother trying to argue it was for collection purposes.'s the thing: my local knife dealer sells 'em
If it can be flicked open (centrifugal force) which many folding knives can you can be charged with a prohibited weapon charge, most owners of these knives don't ever run into this problem though.

The only Criminal Code length given is knives under 24cm that are disguised as something else, like a pen that has a blade inside it. A longer item such as a sword/cane is not prohibited.

The possesion of any item like a sword on an open street etc can fall under possesion of a weapon dangerous to the public peace. Again usually only happening to people who are complained against or having a police run in. Guy with machete cutting tree/grass likely no problem, guy walking past the mall with machete might not have such a nice day.
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