Canadian Forces

If you find a weapon "out in the field" and it's belongs to the Canadian forces it's your job to turn it in as the poor ****er who lost it is in a heap of trouble, under investigation and facing serious charges. We don't **** over our own guys. Besides, it's an automatic weapon and if you ever got caught with it they would charge you for possessing it and probably say you stole it. So not worth it. If you got caught stealing someones rifle you would pray they caught you and charged you before the boys "taught you" not to steal from your own.

Like Gumm said, it is a federal offense to remove weapons, pyro, even empty shell casing from ranges and exercises. You give a statement to this effect every time you leave a range or after weapons are turned in called "Statutory deceleration".

Besides, the rifles the Gov issue are ****** Diemaco's and you can buy better with a RPAL. Just not automatic...

If it's an AK or something you "found" while in a war zone you could try to take it home but you are running a hell of a risk smuggling an illegal weapon into Canada. the postal system is still under Canada post and they will open any suspicions packages. that's a career ender right there. Not that it hasn't been done before tho.... many stories of people sending them back in shipping containers past their movements buddies or whatever way they can but it's jail time if you get caught. All confiscated weapons get tagged and then melted down in theater.

Back on subject...

I'm promoted to Warrant Officer this coming APS and posted although as of right now I don't know where. I talk to the career manger in December to find out where and into what position. This will greatly determine if I retire in 2014 or extend my contract. I'm looking at becoming an Arson investigator as I have a lot of transferable qualifications and the Army will pay for two years of schooling as part of my severance to fill in the gaps.

All depends on how that conversation goes.

My trade is one of those trades that we don't talk about on public forums :)
Once upon a time I wanted to join reg force, but couldn't because of my medical exam. I was interested because I was a cadet growing up, and it seemed like a good fit for me. But, alas, it was not meant to be. I'm considering maybe going back to cadets and volunteering once I have kids that age.

I have many friends who are reg force and have gone overseas. Although I love and respect them, I'm not sure the lifestyle would've worked out for me.
so pm me, i wont run to the mods and ask to have my posts deleted just cause i dont agree with you

Actually you made an ignorant statement that is obviously so stupid that even non service members can see it for what it is.

It's typical of your comments here though so I'm sure nobody is surprised at all.

Keep waiting for that PM.

BTW why would you run to the mods to have your own posts deleted?

You should probably just give up on that user name and come back as Duhhh.

More suiting I think. :)
I would get banned if I responded to this... going to shut up now:) Have a nice day.

Much the same thought process that resulted in my simple statement... after I deleted a long response. Truly not worth my time.
so pm me, i wont run to the mods and ask to have my posts deleted just cause i dont agree with you

Not sure why the post was removed as it illustrates a valid point. I was all set to follow pilot training through university and join the air force as a career until I realised that much of the modern warfare in the world was less about protecting people than protecting the interests of a certain few and I knew I couldn't consciously follow orders knowing what was really behind many of them. I feel pretty happy about my choice having seen what's happened in the last 10 years with the benefit of hindsight but I also have family members in the armed forces too and respect their choices. One thing I'm pretty vocal about though is seeing Canada's respected role as peacekeepers turned into something else entirely in the last few years and I think that's a terrible shame.
Actually you made an ignorant statement that is obviously so stupid that even non service members can see it for what it is.

It's typical of your comments here though so I'm sure nobody is surprised at all.

Keep waiting for that PM.

BTW why would you run to the mods to have your own posts deleted?

You should probably just give up on that user name and come back as Duhhh.

More suiting I think. :)

Think about that for a second...i didnt run to the mods to delete my own post lol

My post was deleted because i do not agree with the masses. I say it how i see it, i dont roll with nonsense just cause everyone else does.
And it wasnt ignorant, it was pretty true lo
But hey lets end it here...dont wanna get banned for saying too much
Not sure why the post was removed as it illustrates a valid point. I was all set to follow pilot training through university and join the air force as a career until I realised that much of the modern warfare in the world was less about protecting people than protecting the interests of a certain few and I knew I couldn't consciously follow orders knowing what was really behind many of them. I feel pretty happy about my choice having seen what's happened in the last 10 years with the benefit of hindsight but I also have family members in the armed forces too and respect their choices. One thing I'm pretty vocal about though is seeing Canada's respected role as peacekeepers turned into something else entirely in the last few years and I think that's a terrible shame.

See you on the other side of the ban hammer :D
Much the same thought process that resulted in my simple statement... after I deleted a long response. Truly not worth my time.

I welcome your pm. Im all for discussing things, whether i agree with you or not...
Think about that for a second...

Not surprised you missed that. Look at what I quoted then...... never mind. You still won't get it.


Oh well...

If you are so starved for attention start a thread about it.

If the thread was about who faps in their hand every weekend then you could say something.

Re read the thread title and the OP's first post then think about what you bring to the conversation, perhaps.

I dunno. You are going on my ignore list because you are not worth the time to talk to.
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Cpl, MOC: 334 (Medical Tech... Or "Medic")
Working in Petawawa. Rifle is either the C7 A2 or the C8 A2 (prefer the C8.)

Really enjoy seeing people being so ignorant. Too bad you're not as informed about the world as you think you are!
I have full freedom of my life, and I CAN say no to an unlawful order... I haven't been asked to do a single thing I would object to.
Went to Afghanistan last year, did the job I had been training years for (since 2007). Lost some friends, including one of my best and carried him to his plane for his last ride home... I don't regret going and I look forward to going again.

Please take the time on friday, even if it is just your minute of silence in your cubicle, in the shitter at work, or wherever you are.
For those who didn't get to come home, and for those who think of them every single day.
Go to the legion, have a couple drinks and talk to some of those old guys their, they have some pretty cool experiences.

We had a service today in Tottenham... For a small town, there were A LOT of people.
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Personally I'm just in it for the money.

I don't believe what I do is beneficial to anyone except the people that want to control the world economy. But that's fine.

I'll still stand on parade on Friday and remember those who fought and died for what they believed in. What they did is farcry from what we do now.

The guys I have under me fight for a pimped out SUV, a new bike or a huge chunk of their mortgage to go away. That's why they go. Not because they think they are fighting the Taliban and making the world safe for everyone.

That's fine too.

Killing is our business and business is good.
Cpl, MOC: 334 (Medical Tech... Or "Medic")
Working in Petawawa. Rifle is either the C7 A2 or the C8 A2 (prefer the C8.)

Really enjoy seeing people being so ignorant. Too bad you're not as informed about the world as you think you are!
I have full freedom of my life, and I CAN say no to an unlawful order... I haven't been asked to do a single thing I would object to.
Went to Afghanistan last year, did the job I had been training years for (since 2007). Lost some friends, including one of my best and carried him to his plane for his last ride home... I don't regret going and I look forward to going again.

Please take the time on friday, even if it is just your minute of silence in your cubicle, in the shitter at work, or wherever you are.
For those who didn't get to come home, and for those who think of them every single day.
Go to the legion, have a couple drinks and talk to some of those old guys their, they have some pretty cool experiences.

We had a service today in Tottenham... For a small town, there were A LOT of people.
I'm looking forward to my first tour. Should be a good experience.
Personally I'm just in it for the money.

I don't believe what I do is beneficial to anyone except the people that want to control the world economy. But that's fine.

I'll still stand on parade on Friday and remember those who fought and died for what they believed in. What they did is farcry from what we do now.

The guys I have under me fight for a pimped out SUV, a new bike or a huge chunk of their mortgage to go away. That's why they go. Not because they think they are fighting the Taliban and making the world safe for everyone.

That's fine too.

Killing is our business and business is good.

I admit, I'm "young"... The biggest thing for me, was to do my job in looking after people. Tour was an adventure, sort of like the most unique trip you'll ever get. I wanted that experience and the challenge and I got it. Want to go back to do it again simply because I enjoyed it, and was more interesting than sweeping the floors here.
The extra money was nice too, and was a bonus but wasn't why I went.

However, I'm in a totally different line of work than D23, and everyone's experiences differ.
You sure respond to my posts a lot. Now if i wasnt worth the reply wouldnt that mean you DONT reply?

Personality, and levels of intelligence has to do a lot with who joins the army, kind of the same way as for the police force. For example to be a police officer you need to be smart enough to follow orders and have the ability to execute them, but dumb enough so that you dont actually put any thought into whether the laws make sense or not....

At the same time you need to hype up the job, glamorize it whether its through movies or the media, create medals to reward "heroes"... its a ll BS at the end of the day. There are those who see it, and those who buy into it. Only you know which section you fall into....i already know :D

You want dumb? How about someone that blindly listens to the media and doesn't look at the world beyond what is handed to you.

There are stupid people everywhere. I would like to think my job takes a fair bit of mental processing. In fact, I was a kid that averaged 90s taking all advanced courses in high school, skipped a grade here and there in certain subjects and finished OAC. I'm not a stupid person, and I work with people who are smarter than me. University grads and a guy I'm pretty sure would qualify for MENSA.

These "stupid rules" that you think you know about have a purpose behind them that you wouldn't understand. I have never been asked to do something I don't agree with, and if I strongly didn't agree with it, I could out right refuse to do it.

Personality deffinately does play a huge role in who joins. Type A personalities get attracted to the job. These people look for a challenge, are out going, and hard working.
I guarantee that where you work doesn't have the bond between people like we do here. We will drop stuff in our personal lives to help out someone we work with, even if we aren't the greatest of friends.
I don't know about you, but those are the kind of people I like having in my life.

And talking about medals and heroes?? My buddy just received a medal for military valor. In a fire fight he jumped a wall, packaged up a wounded soldier, put him on his shoulders and ran back while being shot at... How does that NOT deserve to be recognized? I have friends with shrapnel still in their bodies, pieces of them missing, and a few of them had calls close enough that gear has bullet holes in them. And not one of them brags about it... My friend receiving the valor doesn't even want it, as far as he's concerned he was just doing his job... He doesn't even talk about what he did to earn it, I had to find out from a platoon mate of his, and we're pretty close friends.
I'm not sensationalizing, I'm just telling you how it is.

Despite the BS we have to put up with, I would much rather live around a bunch of military people than go back to being surrounded by clue less people.
You sure respond to my posts a lot. Now if i wasnt worth the reply wouldnt that mean you DONT reply?

Personality, and levels of intelligence has to do a lot with who joins the army, kind of the same way as for the police force. For example to be a police officer you need to be smart enough to follow orders and have the ability to execute them, but dumb enough so that you dont actually put any thought into whether the laws make sense or not....

At the same time you need to hype up the job, glamorize it whether its through movies or the media, create medals to reward "heroes"... its a ll BS at the end of the day. There are those who see it, and those who buy into it. Only you know which section you fall into....i already know :D

Homer, u might need a new handle soon :D
Cpl, MOC: 334 (Medical Tech... Or "Medic")
Working in Petawawa. Rifle is either the C7 A2 or the C8 A2 (prefer the C8.)

Really enjoy seeing people being so ignorant. Too bad you're not as informed about the world as you think you are!
I have full freedom of my life, and I CAN say no to an unlawful order... I haven't been asked to do a single thing I would object to.
Went to Afghanistan last year, did the job I had been training years for (since 2007). Lost some friends, including one of my best and carried him to his plane for his last ride home... I don't regret going and I look forward to going again.

Please take the time on friday, even if it is just your minute of silence in your cubicle, in the shitter at work, or wherever you are.
For those who didn't get to come home, and for those who think of them every single day.
Go to the legion, have a couple drinks and talk to some of those old guys their, they have some pretty cool experiences.

We had a service today in Tottenham... For a small town, there were A LOT of people.

Sorry, and this probably belongs in another thread but if facts were followed to their logical conclusion armed forces would have been in Saudi Arabia instead of Afghanistan and it's entirely plausible that a police (or paramilitary) force following criminal charges should have been in charge of hunting down criminals rather than armies subjecting an entire nation to scrutiny rather than the minority responsible.
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