Canada Votes 2019

Who's it gonna be?

  • PC Majority

    Votes: 14 28.6%
  • Liberal Majority

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • PC led Minority

    Votes: 15 30.6%
  • Liberal led Minority

    Votes: 14 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wonder if they are calling it already to somehow influence the west which still might be voting.
Interesting concept. If that were the case, I would assume that they would be hoping that either liberals don't bother voting because they have already won or people that are inclined to vote anti-liberal get off their &^%&^ to vote. I don't seen how making the announcement earlier has any positive outcome for liberals.
Wow, shockingly close to lib majority (well not that close, but closer to majority than minority). Not what I expected at all. Justines head is going to explode.
Popular vote.

Cons still ahead.

Decent outcome the conservatives lost themselves another election by having nothing to offer and no plan. Maybe they can start on finding a decent leader with a bit of vision and a climate plan. They could have easily won this but failed.

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I wonder what happened to pierre poilievre , did he manage to hold his seat in ottawa?

Gotta love pierre
Decent outcome the conservatives lost themselves another election by having nothing to offer and no plan. Maybe they can start on finding a decent leader with a bit of vision and a climate plan. They could have easily won this but failed.

Sent from my moto g(7) plus using Tapatalk
Nah, they'll go full trumpian. Ford will be PM next election.
wow... 4 more years of incompetence.

Sent from the moon!
Minority governments don't last long. The Liberals will no longer be able to block investigations into their law breaking with a minority. Trudeau swept Toronto, Montreal and kept most liberal strongholds. What went wrong for Scheer? Not tough enough overall and a platform that was a lib-lite dog. He wasn't tough enough on crime. He wasn't tough on illegal immigration. He wanted to run 5 years of deficits. All he could sing was meagher tax cuts for families. Very bland, dull, and uninspiring.
as predicted, Milton is largely populated by people that find a Liberal program appealing. F' me.
That is very surprising. I found Lisa to be a well spoken, through thinking, and decent, which is rare for politicians. I am not in your riding either. I saw this new guy speaking last night and sounded like a total's unbelievable. I guess they just wanted someone new. ?‍♂️
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