Can you guys please STOP waving and nodding?

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no problem! I'll be watching for you :thefinger: :lmao:

ha ha ha haaa !! Lmao

no, really though sound like your just not comfortable and terrified to look anywhere other then in front of you. R_E_L_A_X, get comfortable and confident on your bike, spend some time , learn to love it. it'll change your life ...errr attitude...i hope :)
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That's it. If I see you on the streets, you're getting a 2 handed wave.
How bout I throw a big rock at you, is that Ok? Jeeezzzz your just like those Pirates....( Harley riders)
I really like when people wave. We need more of these type of gestures in society. I only dislike it when I wave and the rider just ignores me.
I really like when people wave. We need more of these type of gestures in society. I only dislike it when I wave and the rider just ignores me.

Sometimes I can't wave back because I'm clutching in and if I did then I would mess up!

I try to gesture a nod but sometimes that's not doable either.. its not always that they don't want to wave back!
you're the one making eye contact with them, don't look at them and you wont see them wave
Even better, I will just look at them, see them wave and not wave back making them feel stupid. We were talking about lowering insurance rates on the other thread, this is an obvious pandemic and can lead to crashes. You people better correct your ways or it may end in tragedy.

And you tools calling the 125cc bike a sissy bike should realize it is much safer than the bigger bikes because there is no temptation to go 200km/hr+ because it can't. And it is probably faster off the line than most cruisers anyways and much better handling as well.
And you tools calling the 125cc bike a sissy bike should realize it is much safer than the bigger bikes because there is no temptation to go 200km/hr+ because it can't. And it is probably faster off the line than most cruisers anyways and much better handling as well.

And when that cager is about to eat you up from behind.. good luck pulling away from them!
Stop being a self centred dick
Its not cool... I've ridden in Vancouver and the GTA, everyone does it! Why must you all be so damn friendly?

Just ride your bike and concentrate on the road! :angry4:

I swear the next guy on a cruiser or sports bike who nodes or waves to me Im giving them the finger...
can you please stop being an idiot!!!! buy a donkey and start ridding that, before it rides you.

If I see you I'm gonna chase you down and give you a hug.
And you tools calling the 125cc bike a sissy bike should realize it is much safer than the bigger bikes because there is no temptation to go 200km/hr+ because it can't. And it is probably faster off the line than most cruisers anyways and much better handling as well.

Lol, what cruiser are you talking about. Both my 500 and 1100 in first gear could smoke that 125. Stop being such a *** or get off the site. Everyone who owns a bike is part of one big community. If you dont like it then sell your bike and go buy a scooter.
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