Can we mobilize teachers?

@Wingboy I totally agree...some of my students are more vocal online than they are in-class, however, for the most part, they're not as engaged...we're into week 3 and already I can see who is on track and who is falling behind...I've spoken with several parents who are at their wits end trying to keep junior busy and attentive to his/her classes while trying to do their own work from's hard from a teacher's point of view as well because we always tend to hear from the same students over and over, while some never say boo...I remind them to keep their video on so I can see them and try to call on all of them to participate, but again, it's hard to enforce when I'm sitting in my kitchen...

I heard that some of the states in the US are actually thinking of making next year a repeat year for all students mandatory...IIRC it was TN but not 100% some ways I agree with it, in that combine last year's shutdown and this year's up and down roller coaster, a lot of kids would benefit from repeating the material they learned/should've learned this year...tough call for sure...
I heard that some of the states in the US are actually thinking of making next year a repeat year for all students mandatory...IIRC it was TN but not 100% some ways I agree with it, in that combine last year's shutdown and this year's up and down roller coaster, a lot of kids would benefit from repeating the material they learned/should've learned this year...tough call for sure...
That's expensive for society (and the kids). All the kids lose a year at their highest ever salary if that happens.

I don't know how to properly unwind this mess. I am reasonably certain that the gap between the haves (money and ability/desire to learn) and have nots will be vastly wider than a year ago. Some kids were being full-time home schooled by a parent with access to technology, field trips, everything. Some kids have watched netflix for a year. Teachers already had a very difficult task trying to keep each child challenged. There is a very real possibility next year that some kids will be a year ahead of the curriculum, some on track and some a year behind all within the same class.
This is too funny, I almost spit out my cheerios. Ontario Teachers Pension Plan owns Wine Rack. Wine Rack workers voted to strike. Now some lobbying group is pushing for Wine Rack workers to be treated fairly. The lobbying group members (supposedly teachers but who knows) are so out of touch that they don't realize that more money for others equals less for them. They think all money comes from magical fairies.

Wine Rack workers in over 46 stores in Toronto have recently voted 86% in support of strike action. Low wages, basic job security and scheduling fairness are all key issues.

The OTPP is recognized as an international leader in responsible investing with a stated understanding of the vital importance of proactive risk management of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in protecting plan assets.

As the owners of the Wine Rack through Arterra Wines Canada, the OTPP needs to take action NOW.

We cannot build a secure pension if our investment is being used to attack workers. Furthermore, a work stoppage and the negative media attention surrounding the unfair working conditions workers face, poses a significant risk to our pension.

As proud teachers and educators, members of OSSTF, ETFO, OECTA, and AEFO, we call on the OTTP to ensure SEIU Local 2 members are treated fairly, with respect, and that our pension is protected!
Think of the pension….I mean children!

I joke. Lots of respect for teachers. I’m sure they don’t all agree with their union direction / leadership.
Whats an Ontario teachers definition of unfair working conditions? Having to work after 4pm or during a "holiday"?
They think money comes from a money tree.
It would be an interesting poll but it would never be done (and if by some miracle it was done, it would never see light) if you asked the teachers if the investments the OTPP made should be in companies that offer benefits and compensation schemes similar to the teachers in the union (not absolute dollars but livable wage, pension for employees, months of vacation for all, etc). Yes or no. If you pick yes, your pension income is reduced as the investments are less profitable (my guess is 50% or more reduction). Do ethics really matter the most or really it's money that trumps and virtue signalling where possible?
Do ethics really matter the most or really it's money that trumps and virtue signalling where possible?
Ethics dont matter. The virtue signallers, SJWs etc just pretend they do.

Miss BLM co-founder was parading around preaching anti-capitalism, anti-white, anti-police, support the black community blah blah blah. Then we find out she bought several investment properties in predominately white areas. Typical virtue signalling phony.
It would be an interesting poll but it would never be done (and if by some miracle it was done, it would never see light) if you asked the teachers if the investments the OTPP made should be in companies that offer benefits and compensation schemes similar to the teachers in the union (not absolute dollars but livable wage, pension for employees, months of vacation for all, etc). Yes or no. If you pick yes, your pension income is reduced as the investments are less profitable (my guess is 50% or more reduction). Do ethics really matter the most or really it's money that trumps and virtue signalling where possible?
is this any different from anyone? I don't understand the problem.....everyone is allowed to be hypocritical all the time. Everyone has investments. most don't give 2 ***** how those investments make money.
is this any different from anyone? I don't understand the problem.....everyone is allowed to be hypocritical all the time. Everyone has investments. most don't give 2 ***** how those investments make money.
I don't have an organized group running PR bitching about my investments moral stance. I choose to avoid what I consider evil companies regardless of the returns they give (Robellus, Enercare, etc) but I have no problem if others choose to invest in them. If this organized group was able to enact change and push Wine Rack closer to an employee focussed business, I would have no doubt that they would ***** about returns being below expectations. Just ***** ***** ***** publicly. Useless wankers.
is this any different from anyone? I don't understand the problem.....everyone is allowed to be hypocritical all the time. Everyone has investments. most don't give 2 ***** how those investments make money.
To some extent I care about the environment but I could never call myself an environmentalist as I like things that are not exactly good for the environment.
The OTPP doesnt give a rats ass about wine rack workers but will pretend they do so. The only real concern is the value of their fund.

There are thousands of groups and millions of hypocrites like them. Woke hipsters who virtue signal about working conditions and wages. Meanwhile they drink starbucks and buy apple products. Someone like LBJ, preaching about equality as he makes tens of millions of dollars a year on shoes made by people being paid peanuts. People like Meghan Markle, Harry, Lewis Hamilton etc telling the world it needs to stop pollution, meanwhile the three of them have the carbon footprint of a small city.
Sorry but Teacher's Unions ≠ Teacher's Pension Plan

Do people actually think they are run by the same people????
And the group bitching is neither of those. They are all beholden to the same stakeholders though. We get who we deserve (because it will come up again, there are some really hard working dedicated teachers that I love, I believe they are in the minority and sliding fast to be replaced by the wankers).
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Then we find out she bought several investment properties in predominately white areas. Typical virtue signalling phony.
She’s not a phony….she’s a savvy investor.

She realizes, like you and others say, financial investments are rarely reflected in peoples values. Unless it’s making money…then they match.

I can find an article but there was an X number of companies that push the Pride narrative, while backing anti-Pride groups. It’s all show.
I can find an article but there was an X number of companies that push the Pride narrative, while backing anti-Pride groups. It’s all show.
Sponsoring pride is an interesting topic on its own. I considered it and reached out to a few people that are well connected and ultimately decided not to. Their take was pride is the big party that brands like to attach to for the recognition but if you want to make a difference, you are far better donating to different organizations with little recognition but positive impact punching above their weight.
She’s not a phony….she’s a savvy investor.

She realizes, like you and others say, financial investments are rarely reflected in peoples values. Unless it’s making money…then they match.

I can find an article but there was an X number of companies that push the Pride narrative, while backing anti-Pride groups. It’s all show.
She likely doesnt know jack **** about investing. Anyone can prop down money for an investment property, doesnt make her savvy at all.

Shes the very definition of a phony. I cant think of anyone who is more of a phony than her.
She likely doesnt know jack **** about investing. Anyone can prop down money for an investment property, doesnt make her savvy at all.

Shes the very definition of a phony. I cant think of anyone who is more of a phony than her.
Sorry I meant ‘savvy’ similar to people buying houses and the value goes up. But they’re poor little guys when the value goes down.
Lewis Hamilton etc telling the world it needs to stop pollution, meanwhile the three of them have the carbon footprint of a small city.

LOL. Hamilton all by himself. He has 2 Bulldogs. Apparently one "preferred" living at his home in L.A. He use to fly it into the UK prior to races on his private jet so he could take them both to the races with him then fly it back to L.A. afterwards. He got rid of the jet a couple of years ago because "he wanted to live a greener lifestyle". Uh, no, Lewis. You got rid of the jet because there were $M+ tax shenanigans involved in it's purchase and you needed to distance yourself from the long arm of the tax man ASAP. Effin' wanker.


Yeah, we see that, Lewis. We also see the POLICE eyewear logo on the chin bar. Yabut $$$$. Who are your two major sponsor (endor$ment$)? Mecedes Benz and Hugo Boss, both of whom profited from Nazi ties and the use of forced labour in the 40s. Yabut, those weren't black slaves, so......
More wankery. 18 teachers at one school exercised their right to refuse work due to health and safety due to radiation from a cell tower. These bright sparks are guiding our future. Once radiation is found to be safe, they should be told to get back to work immediately and never bring up this stupidity again.

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