Call of Duty: Black Ops II

I'm realistic with my killstreak/scorestreak. I play mostly domination so UAV (you get assist UAV points) That glider drone thing lol and lightning strike. If I'm feeling it then I go for the high streak but I would have to use the blackbird (forgot what the new name is now) to make it easier.
I just started playing this again, bought at launch, then got re-addicted to WoW, now that I kicked the WoW addiction playing this.

Is it just me, or is the SMR with auto fire the most OP gun ever? Like holy crap.

Also, play on PS3, if anyone wants to add me name is tanstalas
Or 360: Reaper Kilo (for Halo 4 - I know this isn't a Halo thread, but deal with it) You can join our clan ;)
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