Call of Duty: Black Ops II

I guess i'm not missing anything while i wait for delivery :p

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WHAT! say it aint so. I just got my copy, and looking forward to playing it in a bit

just 360, you're good

I was doing great then it all went to **** with guys lagging across the screen and i'm dead then dead dead dead. there goes my KDR
So far it's alright, I didn't have much time so just played around with Zombies and a little bit online. I do like the world league since it will put you in brackets based on your stats/skill. Makes things a little more interesting compared to the last COD games where you could join a room with a 4:1 kill/death ratio and then 1:10 the very next game because of some jacked up clan/groupie showing up lol
I hmmed and hawed about getting it but I just grabbed Halo4 so it will be a while before I cave and get Black Ops 2, if I do. If anyone has a 360 and wants to add me gamertag, its "Xx BabyJesus xX"
Finally installed winblows 8 and bl ops 2.

Nice game :D

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picked up the game for PS3 yesterday. Loving it so far. Not sure what it is, but the controls always feel much better in COD then in any other FPS for me. Comparing it to something like Battlefront which has virtually identical controls, but never feel "right" to me. Maybe its me, who knows, but a big fan of these COD games for fps then any other.
picked up the game for PS3 yesterday. Loving it so far. Not sure what it is, but the controls always feel much better in COD then in any other FPS for me. Comparing it to something like Battlefront which has virtually identical controls, but never feel "right" to me. Maybe its me, who knows, but a big fan of these COD games for fps then any other.

I think COD have always emphasized on user friendliness than other games

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picked up the game for PS3 yesterday. Loving it so far. Not sure what it is, but the controls always feel much better in COD then in any other FPS for me. Comparing it to something like Battlefront which has virtually identical controls, but never feel "right" to me. Maybe its me, who knows, but a big fan of these COD games for fps then any other.

It's because COD is the purest form of ARCADE FPS there is.... The guns have almost no realism, there is no "weight" to them, so you can snap shots from ridiculous physical standpoints and hit with deadly accuracy. Recoil and accuracy play minor roles as compared to most modern shooters and in comparison to a TACTICAL shooter - none at all. Being able to sprint full speed then immediately spray like crazy with a smg or MG and hit anything other than the ground with pinpoint accuracy.... yeah

don't get me wrong, I LOVE me an arcade FPS, and in BO posted up some pretty ridiculous stats (and equally ridiculous amount of time spent) but to compare it to other games soley because they're in the genre of "FPS"... disingenuous. I will say this COD does exactly what it sets out to do and is the best FPS of its kind.
It's because COD is the purest form of ARCADE FPS there is.... The guns have almost no realism, there is no "weight" to them, so you can snap shots from ridiculous physical standpoints and hit with deadly accuracy. Recoil and accuracy play minor roles as compared to most modern shooters and in comparison to a TACTICAL shooter - none at all. Being able to sprint full speed then immediately spray like crazy with a smg or MG and hit anything other than the ground with pinpoint accuracy.... yeah

don't get me wrong, I LOVE me an arcade FPS, and in BO posted up some pretty ridiculous stats (and equally ridiculous amount of time spent) but to compare it to other games soley because they're in the genre of "FPS"... disingenuous. I will say this COD does exactly what it sets out to do and is the best FPS of its kind.

I would say COD has a bit of realism compared to other games. Then again, i dont play too much games. Their historical facts are top notch and some of their weapons are represented realistically. Those are some of the resons i play that game and got me back into gaming.
Spraying, yes, a bit unrealistic, but i'm sure with proper practice with a real gun u can hit stuff. I fired the mp5 in full auto in real life and that thing has almost zero recoil. Coupled with a muzzle break & 2 hands on 9mm ammo, u bearly feel any recoil. U can anticipate the recoil & drift & compensate accordingly.

Its funny when i played MW2 it was based on 2020, cant remember exactly. But most of the weapons are actual prototypes or were recently released in the real world, like the acr & scar. The uavs are an accurate representation & i recently discovered that they are capable of firing missiles now. I love the game cuz i follow military technology & i can submerse myself in such an environment without killing anyone

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there has already been over 21 million hours played on BLOPs 2. Now imagine if that time was used on Finding a way to cure famine or coming up with a cure for cancer or creating a better natural power source.

Just a thought....
there has already been over 21 million hours played on BLOPs 2. Now imagine if that time was used on Finding a way to cure famine or coming up with a cure for cancer or creating a better natural power source.

Just a thought....

Not anybody is qualified to find a cure for cancer.
Everyone is qualified to play COD :)

Some ppl actually prestige already, wow
Black ops 1 zombies, anyone? :D

Only got to level 23 so far though but I'm getting better
there has already been over 21 million hours played on BLOPs 2. Now imagine if that time was used on Finding a way to cure famine or coming up with a cure for cancer or creating a better natural power source.

Just a thought....

Possibly the most asinine statement made on this site in years...
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