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More Canadian combat footage
I didn't attack the argument, i haven't even gotten there yet. Because you have the facts wrong. If you can't even bother to present your argument on a base of factually accurate assertions, how can I, or anyone else speak intelligently about it? I skimmed your post, saw a bunch of things that were wrong, and didn't take it seriously. That is not my fault, thats your fault as the presenter of the argument.
Why should you get a pass on facts that are wrong?
and your new posts are getting even more insane. No difference between men and women?
In Education, Healthcare, marriage, mobility rights, employment, all completely not true.
Amnesty International reported that 80 percent of Afghan marriages were considered to be arranged by force.
But don't let facts stop you, keep going with this Taliban are the good guys argument.
They punish everyone equally, that was the point.
uh huh. they punish boys for going to school?
Sure I can see that afganistan wasn't paradise before the Taliban showed up. But you are trying to make them sound like something they are not.
They brought stablity? Ya so did Mao., Gadafi and Mubarak.
Extradition and UN permanent members being biggest arms producers is settled. Good!
Watch the Taliban envoy's video for the answer to your question.
And that wasn't a question. The state of education and womens rights in Afganistan is well documented by international agencies, many of which you cited yourself.
No I just moved along because I made my point. That I, nor anyone else that matters, don't take arguments seriously from people that can't even bother to get the facts right. And that wasn't a question. The state of education and womens rights in Afganistan is well documented by international agencies, many of which you cited yourself. I am not going to watch what a Taliban envoy says because there is no reason for me to consider a biased source when there are clearly objective ones. And I have as much confidence in their facts as I have in yours.
uh huh. they punish boys for going to school?
Sure I can see that afganistan wasn't paradise before the Taliban showed up. But you are trying to make them sound like something they are not.
They brought stablity? Ya so did Mao., Gadafi and Mubarak.
No I just moved along because I made my point. That I, nor anyone else that matters, don't take arguments seriously from people that can't even bother to get the facts right.
And that wasn't a question. The state of education and womens rights in Afganistan is well documented by international agencies, many of which you cited yourself. I am not going to watch what a Taliban envoy says because there is no reason for me to consider a biased source when there are clearly objective ones. And I have as much confidence in their facts as I have in yours.
We armed the Taliban, we trained'em, even gave them terrorist training manuals for general distribution, so they could build such a society. Now that it's not convenient for us to have them as friends, it's open season and they went from "freedom fighters" to "terrorists".
P.S. When the organization that was selling their opium in Europe and purchasing arms for them started an insurgency in the 1990's, we supported that insurgency with a massive bombing campaign, a lot bigger than the one we participated in, in Libya. We're still maintaining friendly relations with those types even as they sell more opium in the European Union (with a side of illegally harvested organs) and supply the Taliban and other affiliates with more arms![]()
Taliban took over control when there was none, the warlords were raping and pillaging the population. The brought safety and security, stopped the production of poppy even according to the UN, started rebuilding Afghanistan when they were sanctioned.
I was always in favour of the Afghanistan affair as a punitive expedition - get in, kick some ***, get out; not as a long-term invasion.
I don't see why anyone would be in favour of invading Afghanistan :lol: talk about flushing money and lives down a toilet.
They could've given the CIA 1/5th of the funds and had em go in and kick some *** covert-style, to get the true "terrorists"
So did WW1, The American Civil War, Slavery, WW2.....What's your point? Despite your point it still doesn't justify invasion. Unless your moral absolutism supersedes national sovereignty? Well we know your ego does at any rate, when your debate style dismisses others so readily on the basis of the time required by you to understand another point of view.
I don't mean this as an attack on you, but...
this is exactly the mentality that makes the USA the most hated country in the world.
You cannot ruin an entire nation with war, and not assist with rebuilding it. The people who are left behind will make it their life mission to retaliate... and ingrain that thought into their children.. and their children.. ad naseum.
And here we are today...
that stablity isn't a good thing in and of itself. Shouldn't be that difficult to understand.
You think that holding anyone to a standard of correctness on facts is unreasonable? I don't. They are facts. You aren't entitled to make them up to support your argument.
Wrong facts change everything, the iraq war was bs not because of an argument, it was bs because of a fact (the existence of WMDs). Facts underly all important debates of our time. Climate change for example. So ya, I care about facts, politicans that are loose with facts are dangerous, and general population that are loose with facts should be ignored. Thats why we have science and reason, not theology and superstition.
I don't mean this as an attack on you, but...
this is exactly the mentality that makes the USA the most hated country in the world.
You cannot ruin an entire nation with war, and not assist with rebuilding it. The people who are left behind will make it their life mission to retaliate... and ingrain that thought into their children.. and their children.. ad naseum.
And here we are today...