Burrito Boyz Tuesdays are back!!! 2.0

I didn't laugh.

Was a good laugh,
especially the baby stealing the tips!

This is why I wore my sled pants, and had an extra drop of hot sauce!:cherry:
I was actually warm ...ish for my hour ride home!!

Nice to see you all again...would've like to spend more time talkin but the night ends soo fast...especially when i get there a little late.
Hope to see some of ya on sunday!
Looks warm tomorrow but 5-10mm of rain in the evening
Eff the rain. I'm hungry for burritos (and GSXMAER - meowww). See you all tomorrow night.
Is this going down today?? Any meet up before hand? what time do ppl usually aim to be there?? fill me in... it's 1:32 on Tuesday and I'm already craving the halibut.
Bike's going in tomorrow for 13k maintenance... hopefully it gets done tomorrow, and if the weather's good I'll try to make it down, but I won't be there until at least 8 or 9 probably.
Eff the rain. I'm hungry for burritos (and GSXMAER - meowww). See you all tomorrow night.

here's what I suggest doing when its raining


puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuhhhh puuuurrrrrr oooohhhhhhhh
looked at radar and I dun goofed.

Looks like no BB for me :(
Hmm. I don't know. There doesn't seem to be enough licking involved.

here's what I suggest doing when its raining


puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr uuhhhh puuuurrrrrr oooohhhhhhhh

This infernal rain is interfering with my caloric needs!!!! Hopefully it'll be nice Thursday evening.
got caught in the rain after work.. no burritos for me tonight :(
take mike out for a ride.......com'on you know he needs it
Wow so nice to see peeps are still comin out to this!
It was a little chilly, as noted by the frost on my seat, but, not that cold.
My engine really liked the cold air..
Hopefully next Tuesday will be as nice (or better)
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