Hey Mike! I got a msg for you from Glorry Ann on my FB :A total of 4 bikes showed when i was there. lol
Thanks for the prizes burrito boyz!!!
Hey is there any way u can tell mike to bring in his prize back on Tuesday signed I forgot to get him to do it last night. My boss is going to mail it in for him. Pls and ty

Also copied from Glorry Ann's FB :What were the prizes?
3rd prize: $30 Bboyz cert. And a Bboyz hat
2nd: $50 Bboyz cert. And a yrs subscription to a motorcycle mag
1st: 2 VIP burritos, a Bboyz sweater and detailing to ur bike worth $120 an they come do it at ur house
Here are her pics (sorry mine are still not uploaded yet):
The girlz from BB

Mostly everyone who showed up!

The Winners!