Broken down pipe stuck

I don't think I would want to put a flame near there to be honest. I've tired knocking it with a hammer won't seem to budge really.
understandable (y)

Cold would be safe to apply but your working time will be very short.
Component cooler is CO2 in a can, like compressed air. Makes intense cold without the water residue. Kinda like dry ice.

Exercise plenty of persistence and patience, it's rust that is making it super tight and the part you want removed is harder then the barrel that you don't want to damage. When you are tapping it use a drift or nail set so you don't need to hit the part directly with the hammer and you can direct the blows more effectively.
If it seems like you are not making any headway I would drop back to using penetrating oil and give it some time to work.
I don't think I would want to put a flame near there to be honest. I've tired knocking it with a hammer won't seem to budge really.

I don't mean torching it till its blistering hot.

Just enough to loosen up the 2 parts when you knock it with a hammer.
I think what you're looking at there is the donut on the pipe
the clamp pushes the donut into the exhaust port on the head

the pipe has broken off from the donut and is stuck there
try tapping only on the donut - the rusty party

don't tap it in, tap on the top, then the bottom
and right and left, don't need to wail on it
it will work free eventually
:/ I dreamed about this last night, what you need to do is to attempt to cut a thread on the inside of that stuck collar with a big tap (not the water kind the kind that cuts threads into steel) the part will either spin free before you can successfully cut a thread in it, or you will actually cut a thread in it and now you have a way to pull or wiggle it out of there using a big bolt or length of threaded pipe ;)

... pipe threads are tapered and that might be very helpful if it is the right size, how big is the hole?
My downpipe on my 2007 cbr 125 busted. I'm buying a new one tomorrow but as I went to take it off I noticed there's a chunk that's really stuck and I really have no idea what to do. Any advice would be appreciated!

Frankly, I can't really tell what part has to be removed. Since you're going to get a new pipe I'd just wait until you have it in hand and then you should be able to see how it is made and it should be evident what has to be removed. In the interim just stuff a clean rag in the port and soak the whole area with Liquid Wrench or something similar and repeat a few times.
You are not tapping a thread in that! The exhaust port of the engine is right there. There is nowhere for the tapping tool to go.

I am on board with soaking it with penetrating oil. I am on board with tapping it with a hammer - use a long flat screwdriver to tap it from the side, alternately. Don't sledgehammer it. You may also be able to use a long flat screwdriver to lever it off if you can get in behind the flange on the inside of the pipe. Heat from a propane torch may help.
I would use heat as a last resort. Especially after soaking it in penetrating oil, don't ask how I know, lol.

To me, it looks like the pipe rotted and broke leaving the tip of the pipe and flange stuck there. I'm not sure of the clearance there but after a good soak and a few taps from a hammer if you could somehow leverage a puller onto the flange and try that. Otherwise, a pry bar and small lifts on alternating sides until it pops out.

Like most others have said, soak it a few times and don't mess with it if you aren't sure what has to come off until you have the new one to look at and compare.
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^ this is a good suggestion
the new pipe will show you what is left stuck in there
and where you need to tap it to break free

OP, ignore the suggestion of a pipe tap
(not that I think it's likely you have a one inch or greater pipe tap around)
they are tapered and will force the piece of pipe to expand - this will not help
and if you reef it in there, there's a possibility of breaking the aluminum exhaust port
I would put a pair of visegrips on it and gently try to lever it out with a fat screwdriver between the head and the end of the visegrips. Alternate side to side.
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Or better yet, thread the bolts all the way back in. Put the vice grips on so that you can use the bolts to lever the pipe out.
I got it off penetrating oil did the job! Came off pretty loose after I let it sit. I ended up getting a practically brand new full TYGA performance system for $200 only had to drive 2 hours but I say it was worth it. It sounds like a totally different bike so nice!


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nice job OP
on the bike, and on asking questions
then reporting back on the outcome

happy riding

PS, and a well sorted garage is a good sign for a bike owner :)
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