The Boeing boards heads are so far up their *****, they released this?Boeing CEO is out.
(Who would want that job, given what's happening ... ? ? ?)
"The board said a change in leadership was necessary to restore confidence in the company as it works to repair relationships with regulators and stakeholders. "
"The board’s current chairman David Calhoun will become president and CEO on January 13. "
So a change in leadership is required and you replace the CEO with the chairman? smh. Obviously the problems extend right through the Boeing board.
Boeing execs are not going to be happy about this sound bite from a Notre Dame prof. I wonder how deep the ties run between Boeings money and academia.
After deadly crashes of marquee aircraft, Boeing CEO is out
“The company appears to have known about safety issues for quite some time. This indicates that there might be more fundamental cultural issues at the company,” said Tim Hubbard, assistant professor of management at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College of Business. “Furthermore, the recent failure of a rocket test launch indicates that the company might not be as innovative as they once were. Increasing innovativeness and changing the culture of a company the size of Boeing is challenging. One way to jump start changes at Boeing could be new leadership.”
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