BOC Hits 5%

More money is great.

After a decade+ of chasing salary and job titles in corporate, I just want a job I enjoy doing and no one breathing down my neck.
More money is great.

After a decade+ of chasing salary and job titles in corporate, I just want a job I enjoy doing and no one breathing down my neck.
Well you're in a different position. You don't need to be chasing down a higher salary now and have the ability to take what job you want.

Unfortunately the majority of people are not in that position, and do need to chase the salary + corporate titles to climb up.

My cousins are an example. 3 siblings, no kids, no spouses, none of that. My uncle passed away and left them millions from real estate transactions he completed on his death bed.

2/3 continue to work, but the third ... zero. Literally doing nothing with his life except wasting away in his 2200sqft home alone. But he has that option.

I think if he ran out of the money now, he'd be screwed as he hasn't worked a day in the last 5 years.
Well you're in a different position. You don't need to be chasing down a higher salary now and have the ability to take what job you want.

Unfortunately the majority of people are not in that position, and do need to chase the salary + corporate titles to climb up.

My cousins are an example. 3 siblings, no kids, no spouses, none of that. My uncle passed away and left them millions from real estate transactions he completed on his death bed.

2/3 continue to work, but the third ... zero. Literally doing nothing with his life except wasting away in his 2200sqft home alone. But he has that option.

I think if he ran out of the money now, he'd be screwed as he hasn't worked a day in the last 5 years.
unless you’re flipping burgers I don’t think anyone ‘needs’ to chase it, it’s a want.

People just feel they can’t be happy in a bungalow; they want the 3+ bedrooms, the pool, the hot tub and the 2 vacations a year, etc, etc. then yeah, either win the lottery or start climbing the ladder.

I got a little money, I’m debt free, some of it’s invested and whatever is left after CRA is done with me will go into a mortgage down payment.

I’d be perfectly happy in a bungalow with no pool.
unless you’re flipping burgers I don’t think anyone ‘needs’ to chase it, it’s a want.

People just feel they can’t be happy in a bungalow; they want the 3+ bedrooms, the pool, the hot tub and the 2 vacations a year, etc, etc. then yeah, either win the lottery or start climbing the ladder.

I got a little money, I’m debt free, some of it’s invested and whatever is left after CRA is done with me will go into a mortgage down payment.

I’d be perfectly happy in a bungalow with no pool.
Evo's joining team mortgage? Is your landlord selling the townhouse? Good luck with the search.
Evo's joining team mortgage? Is your landlord selling the townhouse? Good luck with the search.
Landlord hasn’t said a word to me since we renewed the lease in the summer 😃

We’ve been casually looking, wayyy outside the city but with the rates and what’s typically on the market we probably won’t pull the trigger anytime soon. Plus I have no idea what I can actually afford until CRA is satisfied.
More money is great.

After a decade+ of chasing salary and job titles in corporate, I just want a job I enjoy doing and no one breathing down my neck.
That’s what I did. I made more in 1990 than today, but today I’m much happier.

Burned all my suits (except my black one as that works for weddings and funerals).

20 years ago I pledged to myself that if I woke up 5 days ago not looking forward to my job, day 6 was quitting day. Quit my own business after 10 years, then a big bank after 5. Don’t regret either decision.
Agreed. Job security is one thing.

But in my line of work, and the current status of projects in the GTA...I think job security is fairly easy to achieve ... but work-life balance is going to be hard to beat.

I know guys that left my company for 40-50% pay raises in the private sector (supporting our projects around the GTA), and their life went from a 2 day in the office to 5-6 days in the office for 8-10hrs/day (or more).

Majority of them don't regret the decision, because money. But once they start having children and families, their priorities may change.

My minimum right now if someone is calling...40% pay bump. Less than that it's not worth leaving considering the pension, work-life, hours, etc.
A little head game from a realistic time management guy.

Take a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns.

In the first column list the things you want to achieve in life

In the second column list a realistic time frame to achieve your goals

In the third column list the ages of your kids, spouse and yourself when the goals are met.

Then think. Who would get a bigger kick out of Disney World? A 10 year old or a 25 year old?
Hopefully <10. Taking them for two days this winter. Admission is now up to almost $1000 /day for a family of four. Oof.
Ouch. We went in circa 1989 for a week. Three days for three at Disney plus keeping a promise to my daughter that she would get to swim in salt water (Smyra Beach) plus a movie adventure tour, add Sea World and getting soaked by dolphin splashes (We deliberately picked the wettest spot) Upgraded car and hotel. Under $4K total. Priceless!
Ouch. We went in circa 1989 for a week. Three days for three at Disney plus keeping a promise to my daughter that she would get to swim in salt water (Smyra Beach) plus a movie adventure tour, add Sea World and getting soaked by dolphin splashes (We deliberately picked the wettest spot) Upgraded car and hotel. Under $4K total. Priceless!
Yup…price for Disney right now is insane and it’ll keep going up so that’s not something we can justify at this stage in our lives.

Hell even when we go to Mexico in the new year, some of the excursion we found are $175-250EUR/person….

Don’t think we’ll go visit much outside of the resort but I may give in and take the kids to swim with dolphins…maybe.
Yes go to Disney if you can , it’s awesome and nobody does it right like Disney . It’s next level fun , and yes it’s expensive, but Disney knows that and pick the time of year when seats are cheaper , and they have value restaraunts on site .

And please don’t do a swim with the dolphins ********* , those dolphins are captive and it sucks . Teach your kids to be good swimmers and you’ll find dolphins in the open ocean. I’ve had the privilege of snorkeling and diving all over the planet , dolphins , sea turtles , sharks , fish , whales in the western Mexico. It’s all there , in the water.

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Yes go to Disney if you can , it’s awesome and nobody does it right like Disney . It’s next level fun , and yes it’s expensive, but Disney knows that and pick the time of year when seats are cheaper , and they have value restaraunts on site .

And please don’t do a swim with the dolphins ********* , those dolphins are captive and it sucks . Teach your kids to be good swimmers and you’ll find dolphins in the open ocean. I’ve had the privilege of snorkeling and diving all over the planet , dolphins , sea turtles , sharks , fish , whales in the western Mexico. It’s all there , in the water.

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Has anyone been to Disney in California? Wife wants to take the kids and I didn't put up a fight based on if we go to Cali as there is better motorcycling near by and super mario world near by which my kids would be most into.
Been to the original Disneyland LA as opposed to Disney World Orlando. DL much smaller than DW.
Depends on the age of the kids and that trip was 30+ years ago.
Lots of nostalgia attached and there are a number of other things up and down the coast.
San Diego Zoo is very good.

Grand Canyon is a longish days drive ( 485 miles ) but highway speeds are high.
Why is it ironic? I'm not anti immigrant. I'm anti idiotic, uncontrolled, and unsustainable immigration.

I don't blame the immigrants for trying to better their life (as my parents did when we came here). I blame the gov't for bad policy that is detrimental to the country as a whole.

Sustainable, responsible, and controlled immigration I'm all for. We need it to continue on a proper path.

What we currently have is none of that. It's an open door policy that allows for abuse, and is not done for the betterment of the country.
On that note, a syrian refugee just got convicted in bc after having sex with a 13 yo girl and killing her. He sounds like a real winner that was destined to become a productive member of society /s. While I am glad we try to help some people escape from atrocities, there needs to be at least a minimum bar as to who gets in. This guy was always going to be a huge drain on the country.

"Ali was a 28-year-old refugee from Syria when he was arrested for the death of the girl. Described by McCullough as unable to read or write in any language and suffering “serious mental health issues,” Ali had only been in Canada 17 months at the time of the arrest and had no previous criminal record."
Has anyone been to Disney in California? Wife wants to take the kids and I didn't put up a fight based on if we go to Cali as there is better motorcycling near by and super mario world near by which my kids would be most into.
Yup. When I lived there every visitor wanted to go, probably went 20 times. It’s more like Wonderland than Disney world in Orlando.

Still a great day adventure
I think if I had the option, Disney FLA is a much better experience because it’s just so much bigger and with Epcot and the movie parks ect is massive .
But Cali is ok too , and it’s the original . Wife has been to Disney Cali several times , she loves both .
We did the whole circuit with the kids in fla , Busch gardens , NASA , Disney , family had a house in Clearwater so we had a base station.

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Yes go to Disney if you can , it’s awesome and nobody does it right like Disney . It’s next level fun , and yes it’s expensive, but Disney knows that and pick the time of year when seats are cheaper , and they have value restaraunts on site .

And please don’t do a swim with the dolphins ********* , those dolphins are captive and it sucks . Teach your kids to be good swimmers and you’ll find dolphins in the open ocean. I’ve had the privilege of snorkeling and diving all over the planet , dolphins , sea turtles , sharks , fish , whales in the western Mexico. It’s all there , in the water.

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We bought Disney tickets for four days but after three days were we tired of artificial steel railings painted to look like bamboo, fake plants, fake animals etc. Florida had a lot of other nearby destinations. The Movie sets and beaches were good. Anything related to live animals will not be PETA approved.

In some ways we are like animals in that it's nice when other people appreciate your existence but it gets a bit tiring when 5,000 people a day pat you on the back. Nature is best seen in nature.
We bought Disney tickets for four days but after three days were we tired of artificial steel railings painted to look like bamboo, fake plants, fake animals etc. Florida had a lot of other nearby destinations. The Movie sets and beaches were good. Anything related to live animals will not be PETA approved.

In some ways we are like animals in that it's nice when other people appreciate your existence but it gets a bit tiring when 5,000 people a day pat you on the back. Nature is best seen in nature.
Agreed. Spend a bit more and go on safari.
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