Boat experts

If it floats , flies or F**ks , your better off renting it .

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Vampire rides are $3000 for 30 minutes. It's sad when that's the cheaper iption. The sound though. We don't hear true jets often anymore.
Vintage plane, basically sitting on the engine. What could go wrong? I foresee Ocean Gate sky edition.
Whether a plane is four weeks or four centuries decades old, maintenance keeps it in the air. Most aircraft flying around are older than you think

For comparison - C-FJRH (this Vampire) is 65 years old. B-52H serial number 60-001 (Memphis Belle IV), only 2 years newer, is still flying in active service
Whether a plane is four weeks or four centuries decades old, maintenance keeps it in the air. Most aircraft flying around are older than you think

For comparison - C-FJRH (this Vampire) is 65 years old. B-52H serial number 60-001 (Memphis Belle IV), only 2 years newer, is still flying in active service

1 Jet vs multiple propellers. Lots of moving parts on both but one is under a bit more stress and has no redundancy option.

Old jets are lovely things. Back in the UK when I was younger I watched a BAE English Electric Lightning climb vertically at 90 degrees with no effort in a clear sky. That would have been one of it’s last service flights perhaps. Amazing sight, it was the unpainted, all shiny metal version.

1 Jet vs multiple propellers. Lots of moving parts on both but one is under a bit more stress and has no redundancy option.

Old jets are lovely things. Back in the UK when I was younger I watched a BAE English Electric Lightning climb vertically at 90 degrees with no effort in a clear sky. That would have been one of it’s last service flights perhaps. Amazing sight, it was the unpainted, all shiny metal version.

Vampire jets have wood frames covered with painted linen skin.

I wonder if they ever had smoking sections?
A member of the DIY Solar Forums I frequent posted this recently... I'm tempted to build a similar "boat" myself I must say lmao.

Copy/paste from forum post:

Radio controlled solar electric boat with lazy-boy recliner​

Batteries: two 8S 24 volt 280 AH eve prismatic cells
Solar: three 175 watt Renogy flexible panels
Speed: 4-5 mph. sweet spot: 4mph
Motors: two Minn Kota 80lb thrust trolling motors with heads removed
Motor Controllers: two RoboClaw Solo 60 amp
Inverter (not shown) Giandal 3000 watts (for electric blanket on cold days)
Steering: differential thrust
Range by battery alone: 85 miles (two days)
Range including solar on sunny days: 155 miles (3 days)
Longest trip: 50 miles Bear Lake Utah
Next Trip: 100 miles Lake Chelan, WA

The best part about this boat is that I can just push it out into the lake, go park my trailer, and then RC it back to the dock. Everybody on the shore thinks that some crazy old man just lost his boat. I have even had some kind-hearted teenagers volunteer to swim out and retrieve it for me. Then they see that I am not so crazy after all.


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