Blackberry manners

One that gets me is when I ask someone "Do yo mind if I borrow a pen?" and they answer " you go" handing me the pen. I try to avoid using the phrase - a yes always throws me off.

Another one is people who ask "Can I get a diet coke? I remember a coworker who asked my boss "Can I get a raise? Boss replies, "Sure - you can get fired too!" LOL!
It is rude, worse is when you're on a date and they are on their phone, even during a movie at a theater! and then they say they're into

I always have my phone strapped to my hip. I really hate it when I need to reach someone about something urgent and they don't pick up. That's why I always have it on me, I can be the judge if its important or not but if not given the chance then something bad could happen; maybe my girlfriend just got into an accident and I wasn't there to help her get through it.

I hate it when you're with someone and they start doing all this stuff on your phone and you sit there waiting and waiting..not wanting to talk while they're busy pushing then you take out your phone to do random things while you wait..and the cycle goes on and
The trick is to make your personality/conversation more stimulating than what's happening on their phone.
One thing I don't get is how can you walk inside an elevator (small confined space) while I am the only one in there at 8am and not say good morning?
or even worse, when I come in and say good morning and you are to ****ing self involved to even answer?

I hate people....a dog will always come and say hi and wag its tail.
I am on call 24 hrs a day, the phone is never shut off. That being said, I do have rules.

When I am with someone else, the phone is always on vibrate. If we are discussing sensitive issues or my attention needs to be focused on you 100%, then it is placed face down - I can still hear it buzz, but I refuse to answer it; I am there for you, not the other person.

There are times when I am expecting an important call, if that is the case I apologise to the other person before we meet and tell them there is a slight chance I need to take a call. Still the phone is on vibrate but now face-up. In those cases the only call I take is the important one, and I excuse myself as soon as I answer.

On my days off, my phone remains on but all calls go to voicemail. I check, if it is urgent, you get a call back, if not, you are called when I am back at work.

I have always lived by the philosophy that my phone is there for my convenience; so I answer it when it is convenient for me and respond accordingly. The only reason I have a cell is because of the church. If I wasn't on call 24/7, I don't know that I would have one - they are so intrusive.
I occasionally have to do presentations at work for the benefit of certain people. When said people aren't paying attention to the presentation THEY requested and are fiddling with their Blackberries, I simply stop presenting. The dead silence and me staring at them usually gets the point across.
I'm going to combine phone manners and customer service into one. If I'm at the counter, you're serving me, and a customer calls on the phone, you tell him to hold on, put the phone down, and we finish our business. Any time I have to stand and wait while someone who interrupted my business on the phone get's served, I interrupt the clerk and demand they put the phone down and continue our business. If they don't comply, the goods get tossed aside, I walk, and the manager get's to deal with the fallout.

I am on call 24 hrs a day

Your boss is quite the taskmaster. Perhaps you should try to negotiate Sundays off. ;)
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Your boss is quite the taskmaster. Perhaps you should try to negotiate Sundays off. ;)


Hey Rev, maybe u can ask your boss this question. If it took God to build the universe in 6days and rest on the 7th and is everpowerful; shouldn't we mere mortals work for 1 day and rest for 6???

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