Ted Nugent could kill it at 300 meters with a bow and arrow..you hillbillies suck..
perfect cheap shot for David Booth with his arrows
Ted Nugent could kill it at 300 meters with a bow and arrow..you hillbillies suck..
To reduce gaminess of said wild game; simply let it thaw in a pot of Greek yogurt overnight. It'll help leech out any of the fatty acids stored in the meat.
Thanks for the tips! I'll be talking to you two more once the season opens.Good tip James. I'll have to try that. I usually just use some dilute vinegar and/or salt water to soak out the gaminess (gameyness?).
"One officer described the bear as about 500 pounds and eight feet tall when it was up on its hind legs."
Thanks to all the tree huggers ending the spring bear hunt, we now have issues like this.
On the other hand... Who wants some bear burgers?! Mmmmmmm tasty.
Thanks to tree huggers we still have wild life...
You really think that?
What about huge organizations like Ducks Unlimited, or the NWTF? The NWTF on their own re-introduced a natural bird back in to the wild that was in very very low numbers, and now almost every time I'm out I see/hear Turkeys.
DU is fighting for natural habitat to be left natural and fights industry to keep out. With all the stuff being brought up about the oil sands, DU is huge in protecting that eco-system as it's very important for bird migration.
Hunters aren't out there to kill anything and everything and leave a dead carcass behind.
Every single one I know is ethical, takes what we need and that's it. We bring our garbage out of the bush, and that can't be said about a lot of hikers/mountain bikers.
How much time do these tree huggers spend out really watching nature? Reading signs, patterns and spending days out there?
Some of the best times in hunting are listening to the forest wake up or settle down for the night, or watch the sun rise over the bay with the sound of ducks/geese in the horizon. Those are the times I think of, and most tree huggers don't have the same connection that hunters do with the environment.
If hunters don't look after it, then we lose our way of life. The fight to keep land natural is OUR fight. Granola eaters just belong to this group of higher than thou know it alls that don't stand to lose as much as people that live a real outdoors life style.
The 500lb bear sighting was in Milton way the hell over here on Sunday evening.
The bear from Wednesday was in Burlington, way over here.
I doubt it was the same bear. With that said, I think if you come face to face with a bear, things might get embellished a bit lol
Well, when someone goes stating that a certain group is the only group protecting the environment, and that the arguably larger group that has more to lose does nothing but destroy it...
I understand the image hunters have amongst a certain mind frame of people... But those people are un-educated about it and just plain out wrong.
As you can see, I'm a hunter and obviously care about the natural world we live in. I wish more people would get out and experience it and open their minds.
Its an unescapable fact of a growing human race.
See that's kinda the problem right there..
Come on, it's not like no one poaches and all hunters are Greenpeace activists that kill only overpopulated species. There's plenty of bad apples among all outdoor enthusiasts.
No doubt there are poachers. I don't associate with those type of people and in fact have been part of a group reporting on a guy that we witnessed.
I didn't say hunters were perfect. But, you get a lot of these greenies that think all hunting is evil no matter if it's a controlled hunt or not. The type of "activists" I don't like are the extremists... That don't want to share and think they know best.
Your friend annoys me... at least she can't reproduce since package deliveries are being routed to the back-door.So many people have no idea what they are talking about but they support these ridiculous causes and meanwhile they are living a lifestyle that is completely contradictory. I have a friend who is a strict vegetarian and a green peace activist, she even attends rallies. She is also a strict catholic and supports the pope, drives a lincoln navigator, is a shopaholic and severely overweight. She is horrified at the fact that I raise, kill and eat animals, yet she chugs milk like it's her last meal, eats eggs from factory farms and buys tons of leather and other animal products and she refuses to use the green bin because it is "smelly" She wanted the burly bear shot , for the safety of her kids, but had attended the bear hunt protests. Every time I see her I am so tempted to enlighten her but I realize it is futile. I do like stirring the pot though by telling her how many insects she consumes in her "vegetarian" pasta sauces, or that most commercial icing is made from animal fat, or how milk has puss in it from the cows getting mastitis. I also called her out on her so called "virginity" at the age of 28, telling her that just because she only takes it in the *** doesn't make her a virgin. Then again, that could be a good solution the the over population of the world I suppose......rant over