Bikes with character...

REDDIT Personal Finance:
OP: I'm looking for a Porsche, what do you guys think? I make 200k / year and no expenses
PFC: Have you considered a beige Corolla?
OP: No..I'm really set on a Porsche
PFC: You're an idiot burning your money away.

Now turn that around...these are some yummy examples...

REALLY trying to hold to the 8k max...
I would want to see the maintenance records on that Diavel. There is some pretty major and costly services that seems to have been glossed over.

The monster 796 is a fun bike.
I would want to see the maintenance records on that Diavel. There is some pretty major and costly services that seems to have been glossed over.

The monster 796 is a fun bike.
The diavel has the stock exhaust included with the bike and listed in a separate kijiji listing for $250. What are the odds that he owned two 2013 diavels that he pulled the exhaust off?
REDDIT Personal Finance:
OP: I'm looking for a Porsche, what do you guys think? I make 200k / year and no expenses
PFC: Have you considered a beige Corolla?
OP: No..I'm really set on a Porsche
PFC: You're an idiot burning your money away.

Now turn that around...these are some yummy examples...

REALLY trying to hold to the 8k max...
So you planing to go see any of these?
Does a katana have character? It's a good value play in hp/dollar but little character imo.
The character is aesthetic in nature. My personal track record tells me this is a terrible reason to buy a bike, but I still strongly feel the pull of this one
I was looking for a vomit reaction, we dont have the emoji yet.

You mean that one? I didn't even know there was a Katana model still...although that one looks mighty nice.

I think I decided on my next bike...

LoL - no...not that one.

You mean that one? I didn't even know there was a Katana model still...although that one looks mighty nice.

I think I decided on my next bike...

LoL - no...not that one.
Thank god. CTX 700 would be slower and just as boring as the X.
"Extremely reliable" is something I'd associate with Honda (motorcycles), definitely not KTM. I was considering a 690 SMCR or 701 SM to replace my SXV, but when I see some of the recurring horror stories on the 701 and 690 owners groups on FB, it makes me wonder (cams and rockers getting chewed up, cases disintegrating, oil leaks. fuel pump failure, stalling, electronics not working properly). And these are on the current generation of engines. Even MCN says as recently as last year "However, KTM aren't well known for building reliable bikes, and some have electrical gremlins a dealer will need to fix. If you're buying used, make sure you check everything": KTM 690 ENDURO R (2019 - on) Review | MCN

Have you ever owned a Ducati? My 21-year-old 998 with probably 80,000 kms now has been reliable. Then again, so have my SXV's.
The RXV / SXV is quite possibly the most unreliable bike ever built...I remember hearing they were dripping oil at press launch and some wouldn't even start. Dark days for Aprilia. If they could have gotten that unicorn sorted, it would have been a bike to buy.

I own a GSX-R 1000 and a Husqvarna 701. I owned the BMW version of the Husqvarna TE / SMR 511 as well which was a nightmare bike just like the SXV.

The 2016 forward Husqvarna 701 are good bikes. The 2017 has the newer motor, shorter stroke. The 2016 has a little more down low than the 2017.Nightmares? I belong to all the Husqvarna 701 forums... what horror stories? Some issues with slave cyls, kickstand switches, front brakes needing bled after storage. All I've done to mine is change the oil. Most of the guys on the forums spend their money modding them out.

LCR has owned both and has nothing but good to say about both of them. He's kind of a picky guy as well...he looks for problems:

I don't rave about motorcycles often...I'm kind of jaded...but the 701 puts a smile on my face every ride:

The Husqvarna 701 Rideout series is great on YT as well. The top V-loggers from Canada, US and Europe pound these bikes for days. The Europe guys know how to ride.

The Way of The Supermoto - Husqvarna Supermoto 701

125 MPH ON A SUPERMOTO!! Husqvarna 701 Supermoto

701 Supermoto, They Can Wheelie and Stuff

I CRASHED HARD! 701 Supermoto

Most fun on two wheels I've had in a long time!

The guy formerly known as Mladin.
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