Bike run over by cab!


Well-known member
Today I came out of a store to find a cabbie standing over my knocked over bike. He backed into it, doing some damage to the controls and spilling gas and stuff(yes stuff) all over the road, I took his license, cab license and insurance, took pics of him, the cab's numbers and plates and by bike next to the cab.

He hit it hard enough to push it over the kickstand (hit on right, over on left)
Helmet was on the lock and it is toast (doesn't fit my head properly)

He offered to cover it outright.

looking for advice for experienced members.

Whats the next step? drop it off at rosey's or studio cycle and get an estimate?

Thanks in advance
Sorry to hear about the bike, luckily you weren't on it when it happened, now if I were you go get the estimate right away at your favorite shop & call him with the total cost of what it will take to fix everything without getting insurance involved, if he doesn't pay you right away then I advise you to call your insurance because if you wait to long then insurance will be asking you why you didn't report it earlier...cover your ass!
Good thing yore okay. And i second bringing it to your favourite shop. I hope you had something in writing to use in your defense if he runs away. Get quotes as soon as possible and call him
Since its a cab driver I'd skip all the ******** & report accident & call my insurance company. Painless easy

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Give the guy a chance to do the right thing since he offered to cover the damages, but at first blush that he wants to barter or negotiate just hand it to your insurance carrier. It's good to be a guy that wants to help things go smoothly but don't be inconvenienced any more than you have to be.
Dam that sucks. I'm all for letting him do the right thing, but at this time of year shops are busy. Who knows how long ted or who ever you take it to will take to look at it. Although i'm sure if you explain to ted what happened, he will help you out ASAP. Hes a stand up guy like that. As stated don't wait to long, and if he shrinks away from anything report report report!!!!!!!!.

Get it fixed we gotta ride when your done your exams :p
They choice is up to you. This is the way I look at it he is a professional driver and you will have to miss riding time right at the start of the riding season so IMO the best way to resolve this is to go via insurance less fuss no mess and you probably get a bike back quicker might hurt him in the long run but hey you should not be put out more than you need to for this.

Since estimates and repairs will take a long time there is more and more of a chance he will change his mind.. So if you want to wait and give him a chance go ahead... if not just call your insurance..and get this dealt with quicker..

Keep us updated cause i'm sure there will be some fun twists and turns in this story..

Sorry about the bike
Decide fast. The law says if you don't report an accident within X amount of time you are a hardened felon. It's 24 hours for collision centre or 48 hours for the police.
I'd just go through insurance... Chances are he'll deny everything once you tell the cabbie that it'll be thousands of dollars to fix. I've seen others post many threads where this exact thing happens.
I've seen too many idiotic things by cabbies this week. Report it and let insurance deal with it.
I personally would like to give anyone a chance that stuck around after an accident and offered to pay (Doubt he realizes how much a tip over on a motorcycle costs).
But definitely don't wait to long and find out exactly how much time you have to report it.
yikes. kudos to you for doing the right thing. Most people, including riders, may not realize how expensive some repairs can be. My opinion has always been to quote the selling price of the bike as if you are to put it up on kijiji, and see their reaction. If they flinch and start bargaining then, should just go ahead and call the cops and insurance.

Again, tragic to see a VTR250 damaged.... :(

Today I came out of a store to find a cabbie standing over my knocked over bike. He backed into it, doing some damage to the controls and spilling gas and stuff(yes stuff) all over the road, I took his license, cab license and insurance, took pics of him, the cab's numbers and plates and by bike next to the cab.

He hit it hard enough to push it over the kickstand (hit on right, over on left)
Helmet was on the lock and it is toast (doesn't fit my head properly)

He offered to cover it outright.

looking for advice for experienced members.

Whats the next step? drop it off at rosey's or studio cycle and get an estimate?

Thanks in advance
Since its a cab driver I'd skip all the ******** & report accident & call my insurance company. Painless easy

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I had a cabbie back into my car once, he didn't want to go through insurance and it became a huge hassle. He wanted "his guy" to fix it, there was no way in hell I was doing that so I ended up just reporting it to insurance.
exactly. You should have told him "this will cost upwards of $6000, are you okay with that?" And if he's like what no way then call insurance.

It's good to give people a break, but it's also good to keep distracted drivers in check. Professional driver? How does he not look behind him as he rolls over a motorcycle? Seriously.
I once tried to give a guy a break. He tried scamming me. I wasted almost 2 days
My opinion has always been to quote the selling price of the bike as if you are to put it up on kijiji, and see their reaction. If they flinch and start bargaining then, should just go ahead and call the cops and insurance.

That seems reasonable to me. I'd include that they have a very small window to do it too.
Since its a cab driver I'd skip all the ******** & report accident & call my insurance company. Painless easy

Sent from my tablet using my paws

100% agreed! As professional drivers, cabbies need to be held accountable for their driving. It's easy for them to get complacent given how much time they spend behind the wheel.
Definitely go through insurance. He's not going to want to give you all the money you'll need to fix it.
I would go through insurance, report as an accident at reporting center. SO many times after an accident, the initial feelings of remorse turn to evade, and they make it a royal pan to get compensated. F# them F# their driving record F# their insurance F# their job.
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