Justice done a bit different.They don't seem too quick to administer first aid.
They don't seem too quick to administer first aid.
Would have been slamming on the breaks and watching that idiot face plant the pavement. Then getting a few kicks in for good measure. The end result was just as good thoughSweet justice
Still waiting for the new D to defend the poor bikejacker and offer a few thoughts on how guns should be taken away from the police
Justice done a bit different.They don't seem too quick to administer first aid.
Lol.If this had heppened in a city up here,the cop would have been charged with excessive force for sure.********!
Yeah, their cops don't get in trouble for shooting armed gangsta scumbags. Over here you can end up in legal hot water even if you fire a warning shot in defense of your life - even if they KNOW you didn't break the law, they'll trump up some charges to punish you through the EXPENSIVE process.
Sometimes our system doesn't work and the cops are left with their hands tied.Other times it does work.I worked with this guy who was shot 5 times by a Waterloo officer a while back.The guy is a whacko,and it looks like he will get his just reward eventually.http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com...n-did-to-serve-and-protect-become-inadequate/Yeah, their cops don't get in trouble for shooting armed gangsta scumbags. Over here you can end up in legal hot water even if you fire a warning shot in defense of your life - even if they KNOW you didn't break the law, they'll trump up some charges to punish you through the EXPENSIVE process.
Awwww poor unfortunate urban youth, just as he was trying to generate income to get his life back together If more violent crime attempts ended like this, there'd be a whole lot less violent crime.
Who knows he could've become a doctor, lawyer or even the President.