Bike detail shop

warp speed

Well-known member
would you pay to have someone else do a detail cleaning of your bike?
What's a good price range for: cleaning/wax and polish, rim cleaning,
chain cleaning and lube plus detail jobs on the nooks and crannies...
I'd say a good 2-3 hour job.
Let's take a sport bike as an example?

would you, and how much would you pay?
cleaned by chicks or dudes?
.............just get the stuff and we can try doing it ourselves. Which bike are you referring to?
holy crap, you're awake? hahaha...

nah, I was thinking of doing this as a part time thing.
you know, a bit of a side business.
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I gor a quote at $60/hr and the guy figured 3 hours work. That was higher than I was willing to spend.
$60 to $80 total for a cleaning/wax and polish, not including the chain work, is what I was hoping for. (ZX14)
I gor a quote at $60/hr and the guy figured 3 hours work. That was higher than I was willing to spend.
$60 to $80 total for a cleaning/wax and polish, not including the chain work, is what I was hoping for. (ZX14)

Yeah, the 14 is a lot of bike to "massage". You're right though, $60-$80 would be a fair price even with chain maint. included.
I wouldn't pay for it, cuz I think it would be a waste of money...Although I'm probably not you target market since spending $80 on detailing wouldn't be smart given my income.

That being said, you need to target it to higher income pepople...But I don't think there's enough of a market within that demograph to do ONLY motorcycle detailing. Most car detailing shops will do detailing as well....As some rich bankers often ride Harley's.
I considered this since i was a detailer a few years ago .. but too many "what ifs" veered me away from it.
I know there was a posting just last week in the classifieds for bike detailing.
He was out in the Durham region area and i beleive the price was $100 a bike.
$100 for a sportbike is a bit tooo rich imo. Maybe for a cruiser bike with a lot of chrome, $100 would be a good starting price. That's just me though, cause I'm cheap :)

I considered this since i was a detailer a few years ago .. but too many "what ifs" veered me away from it.
I know there was a posting just last week in the classifieds for bike detailing.
He was out in the Durham region area and i beleive the price was $100 a bike.
If its just Body and rims on a sport bike spend the hour or 2 and do it your self, more care is taken , when you do it your self, only way i would pay a 100 bucks if they take the fairings off and clean everything
If its just Body and rims on a sport bike spend the hour or 2 and do it your self, more care is taken , when you do it your self, only way i would pay a 100 bucks if they take the fairings off and clean everything

Yikes - someone else taking off my plastics and other related components then cross threading them back on? No thanks, I'd not chance it to anyone less then a professional technician. Detailing a motorcycle should be a labour of love and if you can't dedicate an entire afternoon on a rainy day to get your ride back up to snuff... come on. No matter what demographic you are part of, you bought it to ride it and part & parcel to that is maintaining it cosmetically which anyone can do with very little preparation in the knowledge dept. You can leave the mechanics of it to the technicians for my $$, but I'd rather spend my $80 on quality polish, quality rye and coke, and quality time in my garage with my ride.

No offence to anyone who's trying to make a few bucks offering this kind of service to motorcyclists... but I'd be giving someone an odd look if I commented on how clean their ride looked and they told me that they just got it back from the detail shop! I'd be more inclined to think the paint shop because they needed scratches buffed out then someone else washing and polishing !!!

Dude !!!!!
Yikes - someone else taking off my plastics and other related components then cross threading them back on? No thanks, I'd not chance it to anyone less then a professional technician. Detailing a motorcycle should be a labour of love and if you can't dedicate an entire afternoon on a rainy day to get your ride back up to snuff... come on. No matter what demographic you are part of, you bought it to ride it and part & parcel to that is maintaining it cosmetically which anyone can do with very little preparation in the knowledge dept. You can leave the mechanics of it to the technicians for my $$, but I'd rather spend my $80 on quality polish, quality rye and coke, and quality time in my garage with my ride.

No offence to anyone who's trying to make a few bucks offering this kind of service to motorcyclists... but I'd be giving someone an odd look if I commented on how clean their ride looked and they told me that they just got it back from the detail shop! I'd be more inclined to think the paint shop because they needed scratches buffed out then someone else washing and polishing !!!

Dude !!!!!

Amen to that , I work on all my bike, and friends, Labour of love!
Yikes - someone else taking off my plastics and other related components then cross threading them back on? No thanks, I'd not chance it to anyone less then a professional technician. Detailing a motorcycle should be a labour of love and if you can't dedicate an entire afternoon on a rainy day to get your ride back up to snuff... come on. No matter what demographic you are part of, you bought it to ride it and part & parcel to that is maintaining it cosmetically which anyone can do with very little preparation in the knowledge dept. You can leave the mechanics of it to the technicians for my $$, but I'd rather spend my $80 on quality polish, quality rye and coke, and quality time in my garage with my ride.

No offence to anyone who's trying to make a few bucks offering this kind of service to motorcyclists... but I'd be giving someone an odd look if I commented on how clean their ride looked and they told me that they just got it back from the detail shop! I'd be more inclined to think the paint shop because they needed scratches buffed out then someone else washing and polishing !!!

Dude !!!!!
Don't let this guy dissuade you. I understand his points and agree it should be a labour of love but it isn't for me!
I can't stand cleaning it properly and if I did enjoy it my condo doesn't allow it.
I said I'd pay $60-$80 but most likely that would only be once a year at the beginning.
As far as all the plastics coming off to clean inside I wouldn't need it so it sounds like that would be up to the customer.
Once you build up a reputation for good work I imagine someone would take time to post here.
1 not everyone enjoys cleaning
2 not everyone has the facility to clean
3 not everyone has the ability to do a great job
I'm sure there are more reasons why customers might exist!
Good points. people will come, Customer Service is key customer is always right. I'm still yet to get any of my vehicles detailed by some one else besides my dirt bike washed by friends in between motos (motocross). but everyone is different i get self satisfaction cleaning my truck and cars and bike , but it does suck somtimes rims and chains SUCK!
Hey guys, if anyone is interested I own a detail shop on Kingston Rd. in Scarborough. My prices for street bikes start at $80 and $100 for cruisers wth chrome. You can call me on my cell to make an appointment or just stop in anytime. The name is "Kevin's Ultimate Car Care" and the address is 4618 Kingston Rd. unit 2 647-435-6245

cell 416-566-2620
I like cleaning my bike so no i wouldnt pay anyone to clean it OR work on it for that matter. Good luck with your endevour though ...
Mobile Bike Detailer

Inner City Cycle is offering a 2.5 hr. standard detailing introductory offer of $99, but they come to you. They have a fully equipped van and they'll detail the bike at your home. That includes cleaning down to the frame, the engine, wheels, brightwork, bags, everything. Paint claying, polish and three coats of carnauba wax. You really only have to do this once a year and the bike stays cleaner, you only need a wash and wax after that. Go to or call 416 436-7996. Again, they're mobile and they'll come to you. Very businesslike and meticulous.
are these the guys that put a card on my bike everyday downtown? I think its pretty cool what they do, also pretty friendly to bikes by attaching their card to your handlebar with an elastic....although environmentally damaging since i throw them out everytime....i enjoy cleaning my own bike, but i can completely understand if u dont have the time.

PS - Rich bankers can drive SPORT BIKES !!!!!! :p
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