Bike cops riding formation


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Always see them riding side by side. Not fair (or safe).
Is there anything that prevents civilians from riding side-by-side? Aside from it being a terrible idea?
You can also see videos of cops shooting colored folk in the back.

Don't watch that crap and totally off topic but Okay.

Being able to lane share while cruising at lower speeds could have it's benefits. For example, coming to a stop sign with a group of 10+ riders and each bike stopping individually at the stop sign takes more time than necessary whereas two bikes going at a time is more efficient IMO.

Besides, it just looks cooler ridding with your mate side by side.
Don't watch that crap and totally off topic but Okay.

Being able to lane share while cruising at lower speeds could have it's benefits. For example, coming to a stop sign with a group of 10+ riders and each bike stopping individually at the stop sign takes more time than necessary whereas two bikes going at a time is more efficient IMO.

Besides, it just looks cooler ridding with your mate side by side.

When you come to a stop sign you should be side by side and go together, keeps traffic moving a little better. If you want to ride side by side, go right ahead harley riders do it all the time.
Always see them riding side by side. Not fair (or safe).

Been discussed many times before. They do it because that is a formation they are taught. They also tend to ride together ALOT. Not every motor officer does it, I have also seen them riding in stagger formation.

Police can also go thru a red light with their lights and siren wailing, (of course after they ensure the traffic is clear), you can't do that either, so that is unfair. If you want to ride next to your buddy and reduce your "escape" options go ahead. You "might" get a ticket for not sharing the lane. But you can always tell the crown and the JP it isn't fair because police do it.

Or you can sign up do a few years get into the motor officer section and then you too can do what others can' Police also don't wear gear. But I like MY skin, I also like "escape" options.
I think ive never seen that many golden helmets ever.

I see at least 1 or 2 pairs of them on my way to work and 1 or 2 pairs on the way back.

And its nice to see "more bikes" with the Gardiner HOV.
I think ive never seen that many golden helmets ever.

I see at least 1 or 2 pairs of them on my way to work and 1 or 2 pairs on the way back.

And its nice to see "more bikes" with the Gardiner HOV.

That's exactly why I've noticed. See them everyday on my way in and out from work.

It is nice having them keep the HOV lane clear for us though!
They also lane-split, speed, ride on the shoulder and break other rules of the road in order to do their job. Riding side-by-side and accidentally taking each other out is way down on the pecking order.

For group rides, it's a lot more safer to be in staggered formation just to give yourself an out in-case something horribly goes wrong.

Maybe BikeCop can talk more about this, because during VIP escorts and funeral processions; most police agencies around the world ride side-by-side.

A lot of the OPP bikers are Golden Helmets too:
I've always thought they should lead by example. While some cops are great, there are others who shouldn't be an example because they ride/drive like ****. Many don't signal, speed with no lights on for miles (highway 10 just the other night for example. 410 to caledon, no lights and was absolutely flying then sat at the petro talking to his buddy)

Should the ride side by side? No. Do they? Yes. You're welcome to instruct them why it's unsafe.
Is there anything that prevents civilians from riding side-by-side? Aside from it being a terrible idea?

I always thought it was fine, too. Although I get annoyed if I get passed in my lane by another rider that I am not riding with.
Is there an actual law that states we cannot ride side by side? Genuinely curious.

Hedo said it earlier - you "might" get a ticket for not sharing the lane. It's not explicitly prohibited.

There's no reason you can't stop side-by-side at a stop sign or stop light, but if it's an all-way stop you better be careful about not taking someone else's right of way. Thing is, if you're stopped together, another motorist will likely expect you to move off together, so it will generally work out - and then you resume the staggered formation with simple speed adjustments.
Being in the training and licencing business, I had a great discussion about this with the OPP training coordinator one season. Sure, a lot of motor officers have an over-developed sense of invulnerability (she didn't say that, I did) - but when you look at their training, practice, and experience compared to the average rider that who thinks that "riding with my buddy for years" is the same, there is no real comparison.
I have serious issues with their PPE. They should wear proper jackets and lower body protection.
OPP teaches to ride staggered on the highways, and paired when going through towns. That's what the training is. I disagree with our riders not wearing the PPE, despite how bad our stuff is. It's better to wear something than nothing at all.

Parade duty is usually paired up, but then we're talking about slow speeds. You will never see a VIP escort riding paired (on the highway) because the speeds are too high. By VIP escort, I mean motorcade.
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