Bike cops riding formation

I only have a few friends who I trust to ride side by side with me.
It used to be the norm back in the late 80's
Fact: Certainly not as safe as riding in staggered formation, however NOT specifically prohibited by Ontario Highway Traffic Act. Its legal to ride side by side (2 abreast) within same lane. No restriction on number of lanes for roadway, in other words side by side riding okay on two lane highway or multi-line controlled access. Beware, side by side, while NOT prohibited in Ontario is not legal in many other jurisdictions, so if you're planning a trip, like helmet laws..... best you check ahead to be sure. FYI
When you come to a stop sign you should be side by side and go together, keeps traffic moving a little better. If you want to ride side by side, go right ahead harley riders do it all the time.

From my understanding and how it was explained to me, you are permitted to 'pair' up (you don't have to remain staggered) when STOPPED at a stop sign, or stop light, but you must proceed individually. Each bike is considered a vehicle and must follow traffic law as an individual, even when riding in groups. That means, at a four way stop, the second rider must give way to another vehicle (to the right) before proceeding.

At least that's how it was explained to me by a neighbour who works traffic.

EDIT : Specifically to the point of this thread, I don't think it's is explicitly against Ontario law to ride side by side. Not that I care, nor would I challenge it because I'm not interested in riding in this formation.
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Been discussed many times before. They do it because that is a formation they are taught. They also tend to ride together ALOT. Not every motor officer does it, I have also seen them riding in stagger formation.

Police can also go thru a red light with their lights and siren wailing, (of course after they ensure the traffic is clear), you can't do that either, so that is unfair. If you want to ride next to your buddy and reduce your "escape" options go ahead. You "might" get a ticket for not sharing the lane. But you can always tell the crown and the JP it isn't fair because police do it.

Or you can sign up do a few years get into the motor officer section and then you too can do what others can' Police also don't wear gear. But I like MY skin, I also like "escape" options.

Is there a law that says two bikes can't ride side by side in th same lane?
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Is there a law that says two bikes can't ride side by side in th same lane?

there are laws saying sharing of lane with other vehicles is not allowed. Could be twisted to become stunt riding etc..
Besides, it just looks cooler ridding with your mate side by side.

I loved it when Ponch and Jon held hands.

(Not much has changed in 40 years on police riding gear)
As a kid, the first cops I saw riding motorcycles were side by side.
They were riding the old Harleys with the suicide shifters.
In Toronto, they are trained to run staggered in the lanes these days.
It should be remembered that John and Ponch were actors.
When they were riding side by side and chatting so pleasantly, the rest of the highway was closed.
When they were pictured side by side, they were strapped to a trailer.

It should be remembered that John and Ponch were actors.
When they were riding side by side and chatting so pleasantly, the rest of the highway was closed.
I rode staggered with the tps popo on the dvp. I feel like we had a connection. Then I waved at the ones on the other side of the hwy. They looked back confused.

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