Well-known member
I'm going to start ridnig to/from work on a Scott Plasma 3.
Scott Plasma 3 --->:sex:<--- Me.
I'm going to start ridnig to/from work on a Scott Plasma 3.
I'm going to start ridnig to/from work on a Scott Plasma 3.
I'm going to start ridnig to/from work on a Scott Plasma 3.
with rainbow mirror lenses...
Get with the program. It's either clear non-prescription lenses or just the frames with no lenses at all.
Negative. Here's me riding to work.
Saw some Norco Torrents for $1400..that's a good price if you're looking for a mountain bike. They only have Large and X-Large bikes though.. Saw a nice Jamis Dragon Team frame...Reynolds 853..19" though..but it was only $150! What a nice frame. The hipster doofus quotient was fairly low..thank god.. Came home empty handed..ah well.
Back from the show. Soooooo many bikes. I really had no idea how much variety there is, and how many tiny little niches with their own names and histories. Surprised there were no recumbents or velomobiles though.
Didn't expect to have so many options either but talking to a few shops I'm now tossing around the idea of a few bikes;
Scott Sub 10
Giant Seek 0
MEC Hold Steady
What do you guys have to say about these?
Surprised there were no recumbents or velomobiles though.
Seem to be mostly the same bike..although I like the MEC a bit more. I'd go for whichever one fits you best. I don't know what the maintenance and lifespan of the Shimano internal-gear hubs are. They're a novel solution but I really don't know how long they last or how well they hold up. I did a bit of work on the old Shimano Nexus hub and it looked fairly well put together, but I always worried about bent axles on that hub.
Recumbents are the mimes of the cycling world.
I was not anticipating riding weather in mid march, my winter maintenance is not done yet!![]()
I know what you mean. 7 bikes in various states of rebuilding/maintenance needs. I'll be out in the garage for hours.
Luckily I have another 10 sitting there ready to ride.. Took the SS for a rip through downtown Hamilton on Friday evening to watch the migration of the hookers and meth heads back to Jackson Square. That was interesting, as usual. Been out on the one of the road bikes all weekend and this week so far. Intervals on the mag trainer in the kitchen all winter has paid dividends.
I did a ride monday night..not too bad..hills seem so much..easier..than last year..no idea why. EPO??
I did a ride monday night..not too bad..hills seem so much..easier..than last year..no idea why. EPO??