I'm on Fibe 25, it's 100GB cap btw, and they have reasonable additional data you can get. Normal download is around 24-25Mb, though rarely it's gone down to 18Mb, upload is a constant 7Mb. Upload is great if you plan to run a server or anything like that, though I haven't made any use of it yet. I don't have any other Bell services so I can't speak for any supposed slowdowns.
Only reason I went with Bell was the price, got 50% off for a year, should be around $37 before tax, hopefully there won't be any surprises when my first bill comes. Rogers was offering me the same price after discount for Express, 18Mb and 70GB cap.
Only reason I went with Bell was the price, got 50% off for a year, should be around $37 before tax, hopefully there won't be any surprises when my first bill comes. Rogers was offering me the same price after discount for Express, 18Mb and 70GB cap.