Bell Fibe 25/7

I'm on Fibe 25, it's 100GB cap btw, and they have reasonable additional data you can get. Normal download is around 24-25Mb, though rarely it's gone down to 18Mb, upload is a constant 7Mb. Upload is great if you plan to run a server or anything like that, though I haven't made any use of it yet. I don't have any other Bell services so I can't speak for any supposed slowdowns.

Only reason I went with Bell was the price, got 50% off for a year, should be around $37 before tax, hopefully there won't be any surprises when my first bill comes. Rogers was offering me the same price after discount for Express, 18Mb and 70GB cap.
Bell (and DSL in general) is garbage compared to cable imho.

I'd take the slightly slower Rogers service over Bell "fibe" any day of the week.
Ill post my speed test later IF they actually come to set it up today.

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Good luck, took them two visits to get mine installed
I was with Teksavvy and I love them. Had to cancel because I moved into a house that has Bell already. The original plan was for the Bell Lite with was 2mb/2gb / month for something like 30/month. I called Bell and told them I was going to cancel and got to Teksavvy. Retention dept offered me Fib 16 + a bonus 40gb + additional 40 gb/ month for $31.95. (this is their normal 6 month intro rate that they offered me without contract). There is always room for negotiation. If the price changes i'll call them again and give them a chance to set it back to our negotiated price. If they refuse to honor that I move back to Teksavvy.
Well, me personally could not say not to the monthly price of exactly 0 dollars and 0 cents. The fact its no cap was just icing.

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I have bell 5/25 and it is pretty decent. 3 MB/s steady download is good enough for me. I used to pay $75/month to Rogers for 1.4 MB/s steady DL but now I pay almost the same with the landline included for one year. My cap used to be 95 GB grand fathered with Rogers but now I am getting 140 GB. A year from now I will renegotiate or go to tek savvy.
Day three, they probably won't show because its supposed to rain this afternoon.

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Guy just showed up. He's not quite sure what to do.

Can't do what he has to because the last guys who set me up did something wrong. LOL!

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Looks like Bell has updated their Fibe 25 package to have 10Mb upload now and 125gb cap, wonder if older Fibe 25 users get the new features
O.k. So apparently the last tech that worked on my line did not install something needed to provide me with the full speed ordered. So now I have to wait to get notice of another set of techs to come to my place and run some new line front the bell box to my house. This is turning out about the way I expected to be honest.

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Finally done. Now I got to wait for my brother to activate the new account. So its been just over a week from when it was supposed to be done.

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A little slow on the downstream... Were you using a wireless connection?
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