Beginner Riding Fears. What was yours? | Page 2 |

Beginner Riding Fears. What was yours?

I had no fear because I just kept dropping the bike also getting t-boned by a minivan really helped alleviate any fears I may have had.
getting killed

no joke
I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with my buddies.
It scared me that the tires were so stuck to the ground. I always wanted to kick out the back wheel around corners.
I was terrified of tar snakes. I thought they were going to take me down for sure. That and those metal expansion joints on bridges. I always tried to make sure I was straight up before I went over them.
Similar to many others, turning and the speed at which to enter turns continues to be a bit of a fear until I'm a little more comfortable.

I'd had the rear wheel slip at a bit while turning and going over road markings. It was probably like 0.5" but it scared the crap out of me.

Another fear was going over a steel mesh bridge. Particularly the one on Twynn Rivers drive in Scarborough/Pickering. I went over it about three times now. The last time I went over it, I think I went a little too fast and the bouncyness is scary!
Hoping my cigarette doesn't blow out when I was riding or spill my coffee after I stall at a busy intersection.

I still get a little anxious about rock, critter or monster bug hitting me but, I still ride with an open face helmet and very little safety gear.

I'm a roll model of what not to do.
How did you get over this ?
I started paying attention to my instincts, I grew up in the country, so bicycling and gravel in corners was always a risk, I knew the sort of situations where gravel will get tossed onto pavement, I don't get surprised too often. And when you do get into it, ride it out, don't panic and brake.
Tar snakes - yeah, they don't prepare you for that in class. Un-nerving but not pucker factor scary. I changed to tires with no center groove and went LOOKING for tar snakes to kill.
My stomach butterflies and "shrinkage" come from seeing oncoming vehicles wander over the center line. I've lost two cars to drivers crossing into my lane.
Cottage traffic bumper to bumper, dark, heavy rain, soft gravel shoulder. All it would take is one impatient driver thinking the way is clear because I'm the only vehicle coming the other way for a mile.
Yes, there IS a cure for that .... You just have to wait until you're 50 and bald like me!

There is a cure if you're 25 like me and only partially bald so far, pomade, it never hardens so it's easy to fix your hair quickly when you take the helmet off.
There is a cure if you're 25 like me and only partially bald so far, pomade, it never hardens so it's easy to fix your hair quickly when you take the helmet off.

I just started rocking the #2. Don't have to worry about helmet hair at all lol.
Nothing really. I guess that why I ended up in gravel a month after getting my bike... Now I fear everything ahahah.
Getting early onset Alzheimer's, I am now the same age my Dad was when he was diagnosed. So far I'm OK as far as I can tell ...
for me it was trusting my tires in the rain. I'm still working on that one. I thought I had it on the ninja, but the SV's tried to bite me a couple times in the wet now and it's not doing anything for my wet weather confidence.

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