Barrie and area

doubt i can make it there for noon fellas, still at the in-laws for brunch. don't worry about me, have a good ride ;)
Nice to meet you guys...sorry i had to just did not want to go over ~100 and was working to do that.

Pulled clutch in and the front was diving so figured I'd best call it, figure out whats going on with the front brake, rather than push it and find out the hard way.

Next time!
Hey no problem we just went on a short ride up through oro and back
Was nice meeting u guys can't wait to get out in the warmer weather
If anyone wants to do a port Dover trip let me know
Btw are there any other zx14's around??
I dont know if I speak for anyone else or not, and really no offence to you Slave2speed, im sure your a great guy, but I dont think i'll be ridding with you again... youve got a really nice bike, but its built for the 1/4 mile.. going out and blasting through the straights and slowing to to a crawl through the twisties just isnt what im looking for in a sunday ride...
I usually still enjoy the twistys but the roads are just too sandy for my bike
I don't have any choice but to slow for the corners untill some of the debris is off the roads and the pavement gets some heat into it.
And there was nothing stopping you from goin infront of me so u could hit the corners faster...
But my bike has way too much power to corner hard untill it's warmer out and the tires get sticky
There's a big difference between riding your 650 and my zx14 yours is light and nimble mines a fully built drag bike that's built to go straight and get there quick I can't take the corners hard with all the crap from winter still on them
I usually still enjoy the twistys but the roads are just too sandy for my bike
I don't have any choice but to slow for the corners untill some of the debris is off the roads and the pavement gets some heat into it.
And there was nothing stopping you from goin infront of me so u could hit the corners faster...
But my bike has way too much power to corner hard untill it's warmer out and the tires get sticky
There's a big difference between riding your 650 and my zx14 yours is light and nimble mines a fully built drag bike that's built to go straight and get there quick I can't take the corners hard with all the crap from winter still on them

im not trying to flame you man, theres no hard feelings and its nothing personal.. you said it yourself, your zx14 is a fully built drag bike... the rest of us are ridding sport, sport touring and cruisers...and just dont have the same ridding style.

You seem to be focused on the fact that you were slow in the corners, thats not an issue.. i dont want anyone to ride beyond their ability, or risk loosing a bike.. im talking about the "get there quick" in the straights as you put it.. just too far beyond the limit for me.. we where back there in the dust and still looking over our shoulders for the impound crew..

anyway, like i said.. im not trying to say anything other then the fact that, that kind of ridding isnt for me.
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What does any of this have to do with someone riding beyond their abilty??
I'm lost it's the first time I've been out since I had some work done to the bike I wanted to give it some gas and test it out at no point did anything I do affect you or interfere with your riding.
Your making it sound like I was riding like an idiot.
Anytime I got on the throttle I made sure I was no where near anyone else and made sure I was In an open area with no traffic.
I just wanna clear that up cause the way u said it makes me sound like a newbie
I've been riding. Long long time and I'm not the kind of rider who would put someone else in danger
Wow nothing like bringing in the drama, whats the deal here boys? we dont care what anybody rides. we will ride with anyone and anything they wanna ride. Anyone is welcome. If someone likes going fast straight lines then they will go fast in straight lines, if you like going fast through corners then go fast through the corners. No need for drama just good days of riding with good people.
Does anyone know who else in barrie has a zx14???
I've only ever seen 1 other and it's a black on black zx14 I've seen him a few times in the south end
I should point out that "tattoos on chicks" makes me horny but I couldn't find the properly worded sticker lol
Hey bro im not judging to each there own lol, no need to explain.
I am off this coming thursday, so I can actually make it out and meet a few of you. That is also hoping the weather forecast changes....
people took my words out of context, i dont want no drama, and i certainly wasnt raging on anobodys bike.. ill ride with anything from cruisers to mopeds... (well ok maybe not mopeds lol, but you all get what i mean)

anyway, bygones be bygones, groups hugs and all that jazz..

looking forward to the next ride, hopefully we get some more people out!
Hopin to make it to one of these meets soon. Shift work sucks. Looks like rain all week.
Hey, how long you guys usually go on Thursday nights?
Depends on the weather. If its cold out we usually just hang out and shoot the ****, once it warms up we go riding wherever.
I should point out that "tattoos on chicks" makes me horny but I couldn't find the properly worded sticker lol

Nothing on chicks makes me horny. Then again, to each his own. Some like tattoos others like *****.
Did anybody make it out to Wild Wings on Sunday? I rode down Innisfil Beach Rd but couldn't find the place.
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