Barrie and area

I was just teasing about Southwood, don't worry though, we will make up there later in the season for sure.

Im good with just about anywhere. Could head east around the lake across Monck rd or something

What time?
I think booyah said noon... that works for me.

anybody else? we meeting at the timies like the other night?
same here
Noon it is. I'll be there with bells on..

... And pants. Can't forget the pants.
Meet spot is Tims at Essa and 400 right, I am in for Noon

The Tims on the east side of the 400 on Fairview/essa beside the pizza hut. Not the one beside the gas station.
see you boys then.
Gonna keep this thread updated and post new rides and events in the Barrie area. Post #1 will be updated as things come up. If you guys have any suggestions or rides planned, pm me and I will update post #1 accordingly.
Good ride today..
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