
When everyone is kidding around and the one guy who doesn't get the joke gets angry and turns over the table...
I don't see any humor in the game when all the fucas of the attacks from the same peanut gallery is turned on one member of the forum
speaking of austrian choppers

That thumbnail image looks like a bad deep fake. I clicked on it, thinking they were going to put Mark Hamill's face on John Matrix...

Sadly, this was not the case, and once again, I was as disappointed as a KTM owner, having to drop his motorcycle off at the shop again.
Is this what they meant by cancel culture?
View attachment 46491

He did neither.

Lots of doofuses talk all that talk, but when it gets a little bit inconvenient for them to actually follow through, they just quietly slink away from the promises they made.

So he's upset Apple removed Parler from the appstore. What's he going to do, buy an Android? Someone should break it to him that Google removed Parler from their appstore as well.
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