
Wanna see what Toronto looked like when I grew up?

I used to work at the Ex when I was a teenager, the midway blared one song continuously every single day for three weeks. It was "Axel-F "by Harold Faltermeyer. The next year, it was "Rumors" by Timex Social Club.

Every time I hear one of those songs, I can smell the Tiny Tom Donuts vividly.

so you're about the same age as andrew yang?
Pretty interesting interview if anyone wants to watch, from a free speech advocate and former head of ACLU

Or the Vegematic and Dan Ackroyd's version. The Bassamatic.
Wanna see what Toronto looked like when I grew up?

I used to work at the Ex when I was a teenager, the midway blared one song continuously every single day for three weeks. It was "Axel-F "by Harold Faltermeyer. The next year, it was "Rumors" by Timex Social Club.

Every time I hear one of those songs, I can smell the Tiny Tom Donuts vividly.

Well, I guess it's true what they say. There never really was any 'good old days' in Toronto.
They made their own forum. Toronto Motorcycle Riders. Or something like that.D was part of that i think.
I miss D
Was an ass sometimes to people but was also cool with me.
Sent me a bunch of AMs/PMs/DMs whatever BigPoppa wants to call them with advice and tips on living a healthier lifestyle....advice that I appreciated but obviously didn't heed.

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People graduate from motorcycles. Have kids and move away and stuff.

Old timers that stick around the forum are like the creepy 25-year olds who hang out in the high school parking lot with their IROC Z28, trying to impress the high school chicks.
Bro...View attachment 46594302-Dazed-and-Confused-quotes.gif

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