Balls banned from school

I have no issue with schools allowing a space for children to pray to their respective god(s) but it should be kept to before/after school and during recess/lunch breaks and not take away important time from academic learning.

BING! Exactly.

Now, let's hear your thoughts on the National Anthem not being sung in schools.
BING! Exactly.

Now, let's hear your thoughts on the National Anthem not being sung in schools.

Religion should be kept out of public schools. We should be trying to teach our children to think logically and rationally, not believe in fairy tales that have no basis in truth.

I do think the national anthem should be sung. I am a little mixed about it though.
BING! Exactly.

Now, let's hear your thoughts on the National Anthem not being sung in schools.

it surprises me that it is not. this is the first time i've heard it's not, it is something that should be taught.

edit looking through the news i only find mention of one n.b. school not playing it in 2007
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edit looking through the news i only find mention of one n.b. school not playing it in 2007

Tip of the iceberg. Since that episode, there have been stories of other school boards across the nation considering the elimination of the morning anthem singing because of "complaints" from a few parents.

So I assume you'll have no qualms about signing this petition, then?
This reminds me of one of my days supply teaching in London England. In a Year 4 classroom, one of the boys shoved a pencil up a girls nose. Scary **** actually. They didn't ban pencils though....they're slightly more rational over there.

I got knocked out and bled from a dodge ball in grade 4... thrown by my teacher.

He was by far the best teacher I ever had!!!

The highlight of our school day was playing red as*. Line people up against the wall and whip a tennis ball at them as hard as we could to see who would wimp out or which guy would cry when he got a shot in the crotch. I cry for the future.

That game was awesome, one of my favorite recess games:)

What kid kicked a soccer ball so hard that it gave the parent a concussion. She sounds awesome!

This ^:)

my favourite day was when the janitor would be doing something on the roof and he would throw down all the tennis balls, baseballs, soccer balls, you name it, back to the ground. He was like a Santa Clause in April.

My favorite was going up and helping him do this!!! We would go ask him if we can get our ball and toss all the other ones down. Funny what you find on the roof of a school.

They better not move to banning dodge ball. That's the best gym class activity, even once you get to high school!

Dodgeball rules:) I still play it and it feels like highshool:D

This reminds me of one of my days supply teaching in London England. In a Year 4 classroom, one of the boys shoved a pencil up a girls nose. Scary **** actually. They didn't ban pencils though....they're slightly more rational over there.

Yea, we used to stab each other with pensils all the time. I stabbed my buddy in the thigh and I've been stabbed in the arm and this was in a snobby preppy area too and nothing ever happened of it.

Admiral Earl Beatty is prob rolling in his grave after this....
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if you dont want to sing , or listen to the national Anthem in School, then GTFU.

and by that, i mean the country, not just the school
Tip of the iceberg. Since that episode, there have been stories of other school boards across the nation considering the elimination of the morning anthem singing because of "complaints" from a few parents.

So I assume you'll have no qualms about signing this petition, then?

sure but that petition won't do much.
Since that episode, there have been stories of other school boards across the nation considering the elimination of the morning anthem singing because of "complaints" from a few parents.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say these parents are most likely "new Canadians".
My son (9) was telling me the other night that his face hurt. I asked him why, and he told me they were playing dodgeball. I laughed and asked him if he understand that "dodge" part of it, lol. He told me that if he got hit by the white ball, then he had to sit down and not move. But then some kid threw the red ball at him and hit him in the face. I asked, why didn't you move your head out of the way. He tells me because the teacher told them they weren't allowed to move. Both my wife and I laughed hysterically about it and joked how his teacher uses the kids as his own little torture troup.

Message to the kids (my own included): Stop being a bunch of wussies.

Because its the national anthem. I can understand the praying thing, but im assuming that if your kids are attending school here, that you intend to be part of this nation. What kind of idiot gets offended at the singing of the canadian national amthem in canada?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say these parents are most likely "new Canadians".

I'm not going to go into too much detail with my response, lest people start waving the race card. So let me just answer with a word that begins with "Y" and ends with "es". But FYI, I've also seen/heard of similar behaviour in La Belle Province, too.
She's trying to protect her school from lawsuits. Me personally; I keep my balls with me everywhere I go. **** that ****.
I don't get the whole "don't say the national anthem in school" thing. I really don't.

My parents immigrated here when they were adults (got married HERE... not that it matters)... My dad has a flag pole on his property that always* has a Canadian flag waving with pride. I asked him why he doesn't put up a flag from his home country and his response was "I'm Canadian". He hasn't lost his heritage, but he still finds time to scream at the TV when Hockey or Curling is on.

*Except when it's an Ontario flag
As a person who did go to school as a new Canadian, I actually appreciated the opportunity to learn the anthem :cool:
I've went thru the education system of many schools and of different countries. You know what they all have in common, they teach the national anthem
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