Baking during Corona |

Baking during Corona


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Why not, everybody else is doing it. I've made some really good scones and crusty buns lately. I got some sourdough starter going about a month ago and have been feeding it with rye flour every week and just saving a tbsp in a mason jar in the fridge in between feedings.I fed it at 4pm today with 100gm of flour and 100gm of water. The rubber band in the pic is where it started. In the morning I'll make my dough and work it a few times before baking on Sat morning.
What is everyone else baking?
My wife is still not well enough for me to leave her. Riding would be more fun!

First pic 3pm second at 7pm

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Well, the gf has decided to use my smoker to make some interesting stuff....
Smoked Cinnamon Buns
Smoked Cinnamon Buns in Grapefruit Rinds
Smoked Pizza...

Definitely new experiences for all of them.
I expected an entirely different discussion based on the title. ;)
Toast them up and put way too much butter on them
Well, the gf has decided to use my smoker to make some interesting stuff....
Smoked Cinnamon Buns
Smoked Cinnamon Buns in Grapefruit Rinds
Smoked Pizza...

Definitely new experiences for all of them.
Had smoked spicy chicken wings last weekend, it was very carnivore.
Still trying to get a hold of some yeast.
I made banana bread because a load of bananas started to get a bit ripe. I used buckwheat flour and all purpose flour and it turned out really well. So well that the wife keeps pestering me to make it again.

I really like cornbread but haven’t ever made it. That’s next.

The sourdough is something on my list but I read that to get the crust just right you need to bake it inside a Dutch oven. Is that right?
I made banana bread because a load of bananas started to get a bit ripe. I used buckwheat flour and all purpose flour and it turned out really well. So well that the wife keeps pestering me to make it again.

I really like cornbread but haven’t ever made it. That’s next.

The sourdough is something on my list but I read that to get the crust just right you need to bake it inside a Dutch oven. Is that right?
I think the Dutch oven is used to keep the moisture in. The recipe i use calls for a big broiler pan of water in the oven. Same thing.
The sourdough is something on my list but I read that to get the crust just right you need to bake it inside a Dutch oven. Is that right?

My wife uses a Le Creuset 5.3l french round dutch oven, but you can also use something like a cast iron combo cooker. She preheats the oven and the dutch oven at 500 degrees as part of the baking process.

My wife uses a recipe from

The lady who runs it does a free livestream “Sourdough made simple” workshop on a regular basis. The next one is tomorrow. Just by signing up, you get access to all sorts of info including the recipe.

Our sourdough starter is pretty active right now


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New and positive or just new?

I would say both... the Cinnamon and the Smoke somehow works.... Would I want them this way permanently, no... but half the time, sure!
I've been making french baquettes, they taste amazing and are super simple to make.

I've also made the following while stuck at home.

Banana chocolate chip muffins
Chocolate protein brownies
Tsoureki (greek easter bread)
Koularakia (greek cookie)
Tyropita (greek phyllo pastry)
Hot chocolate cookies
Chewy chocolate chip cookies

I think that is all. Some of these have been done multiple times. I'm heading back to work Monday, so time to take a baking break.

First pic 8am.Second pic 2pm. It's ALIVE!
This will be cut in two,final rise overnite in the fridge and baked tomorrow morning.

Pulled them (recipe makes two) out of the fridge this morning and was really disappointed to see puddles of dough.Oh well,into the oven anyway.
The house smells awesome now.

Pulled them (recipe makes two) out of the fridge this morning and was really disappointed to see puddles of dough.Oh well,into the oven anyway.
The house smells awesome now.

That does not look at all disappointing.
That does not look at all disappointing.
The dough should have come out of the fridge nice and round.I just put them in cereal bowls.I ordered "Proofing Banneton Baskets" in April from amazon.Still not here.It was funny,when i put them in the oven,i could watch them rise.It was really quick.

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