backyard shed?

If you get skunks...flood them out. They think it's just natural and not a threat to spray you for. I had to do that with a family that was under the neighbour's front porch.
I am planning on building a backyard shed probably 8x10. I am a handyman and would like to know if I should order a kit or buy individual parts and do the cutting etc myself. I am inclining towards wooden shed and budget is around $1200.

I have done some rough calculations and seems that either buying a precut kit or buying individual parts almost costs the same thing. I am only saving on labor as I can do it myself.

any recommendations on precut kits etc? pros/cons of precut vs individual parts? Are home depot precut kits any good?


Not sure if you bought one yet, but the one at Lowes for $999 looks like a deal. My brother bought it and it's being finished right now (I bailed). I'll post some pics when completed.
Not sure if you bought one yet, but the one at Lowes for $999 looks like a deal. My brother bought it and it's being finished right now (I bailed). I'll post some pics when completed.

Haven't bought one yet. I spent the long weekend building the foundation etc. Let me know how it is. Thanks for the heads up!
Haven't bought one yet. I spent the long weekend building the foundation etc. Let me know how it is. Thanks for the heads up!

Not done yet, but looks decent enough.

We want a garden shed to go on the side of our house. It's a bit narrow - 67" from fence to house. In the spot I want the shed to go, there is a slope away from the house that drops about 12" in that 67" span. I can reduce the grade of the side close to the house almost the whole 12" without issue. Shed will probably be placed on leftover 24"x24" patio stones, which will be on compacted clear stone topped with compacted screening. I should have the time to prep the base myself.

The one thing I am concerned about is putting up a shed so close to the house. I also want it free standing, because I'm not going to tie it into the house. I prefer something that could be pretty simple to move out of there if for some reason I needed to gain access to that side of the house. Because of this, I thought it best to look for a light, prefab Rubbermaid type shed or something at Home Depot etc, but am open to suggestions. The small footprint and need to have a door on a face that is around 5ft wide is not that common. The shed can get to about 10 feet deep however, but I doubt I'll need that much space.

There will be very little weight stored in here, so minimal load requirements. All I am going to do is store gardening stuff in there (plastic pots, tools etc), to make more room in the garage.

I'm not building it myself - I have too many other things on the go, but could hire someone or buy a prefab and install it.

Any thoughts?

Don't leave the window open to air it out too long. Raccoons have been back at my place after tearing out the screen. :(
Sounds like a no brainer, if the precut is roughly the same cost as you having to buy the material and then you have to cut it and make sure it's all correct and such, then just get the pre-cut and assemble, less work for you, and you should end up with the same product, unless of course you were doing a custom size or shape, but if your just doing a straight forward shed, then I would go with the pre-cut, I did my foundation, and purchased one of those aluminium sheds and a couple of hours latter it was up and the junk in it.....I did not want the maintenance of wood......

My brother-in-law is a framer contracted to Mattamy. He offered to build me a custom shed and when I asked him if it would be better to buy a pre-cut vs having him buy the lumber, he told me the opposite. He said the pre-cut has lower quality wood, and is more expensive. But I'm just taking his word for it since he's taking care of everything.

We want a garden shed to go on the side of our house. It's a bit narrow - 67" from fence to house. In the spot I want the shed to go, there is a slope away from the house that drops about 12" in that 67" span. I can reduce the grade of the side close to the house almost the whole 12" without issue. Shed will probably be placed on leftover 24"x24" patio stones, which will be on compacted clear stone topped with compacted screening. I should have the time to prep the base myself.

Here are a couple small sheds from Costco's web site. The first is $350, the second seems high at $750 (considering the 8x10 sells for $1000 in store, but that doesn't help you). Anyways, just to give you some ideas. I personally like the idea of plastic with zero maintenance:




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Check municipal bylaws for how close to the fence you are allowed to have a structure.
Thanks. I may do that. We have great neighbours so at least is in our favour.

Thanks for the Costco links Relax. They are pretty close to what I'm looking for and we just got a Costco membership. Do they usually have those at the stores or only online? I've only been in Costco once and it was a very strange place.

Table - Accessory Buildings and Structures Column A B Line 1.0 TYPE Accessory Buildings and Structures Lot Area Greater than or Equal to 750 m2 Lot Area Less than 750 m2 2.0 SIZE: 2.1 Maximum area occupied per accessory building and structure 20 m2 10 m2 2.2 Maximum area occupied combined for all accessory buildings and structures 60 m2 30 m2 3.0 MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: combined for all accessory buildings and structures 5% of the lot area (1) n/a (1) 4.0 MAXIMUM HEIGHT: to highest point of the building or structure 3.5 m 3.0 m 5.0 LOCATION Not permitted between the front wall of the dwelling and the front lot line 6.0 SETBACKS: 6.1 Minimum setback to exterior side lot line The exterior side yard regulations of the applicable zone shall apply 6.2 Minimum setback to interior side lot line for accessory buildings and structures located in an interior side yard The interior side yard regulations of the applicable zone shall apply (2)(3) 6.3 Minimum setback to interior side and rear lot lines for accessory buildings and structures located in the rear yard 1.2 m (4) 0.61 m (4)

.61 meters is 2'
Thanks Matt. So it can be against the house and must be at least 2' from the property line?

If that's was the case I could make that work and just have the door open on the property line side - it would be a pretty skinny shed though, more like a lean to and just good enough for what I want it for anyways - to hang the garden tools & pots and stuff.
As long as its not attached to the building, and two feet from the fence (which I'm assuming is right on your lot line), you're good.

If its attached to the building, it is considered part of the dwelling, which means permits.

You can't fit a 10x10 (or smaller) shed in your backyard? Is it all garden back there?

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Thanks. I may do that. We have great neighbours so at least is in our favour.

Thanks for the Costco links Relax. They are pretty close to what I'm looking for and we just got a Costco membership. Do they usually have those at the stores or only online? I've only been in Costco once and it was a very strange place.

Unfortunately, I've only ever seen the 8x10 and the horizontal (half-height shed meant for garbage cans or bicycles) in the warehouses. When you buy from them online, you end up paying much more because of the shipping. But the links were meant to give you some ideas. The other big box stores might have something similar, or like matt365 alluded to, the best bang for the buck would be a more standard sized shed in the backyard. Something that size you could store your bike(s) in it over the winter.
Isnt it 0.61 from side lot line if located in the rear yard and something different if located in the interior side yard?

At my house, sheds must be set back from houses (1.2m iirc) and all property lines. On an interior side yard of 5.7m, the max shed width works out to 3m. The setback from the house is listed in a different document than the setback from the property line.
As long as its not attached to the building, and two feet from the fence (which I'm assuming is right on your lot line), you're good.

If its attached to the building, it is considered part of the dwelling, which means permits.

You can't fit a 10x10 (or smaller) shed in your backyard? Is it all garden back there?
Thanks. Yes backyard is all garden. It's 40x40 to begin with, so no room for a shed. Plus I don't want to look at a shed from inside the house, I just want the benefits of having one!
This one I built is 4’x7’. You’d obviously want a different roof line and the door on the side. I always do custom to fit the space and also so I can do all my own interior shelving.

Btw, make sure to have proper drainage (a length of weeping tile running parallel to the fence line) so water doesn’t pool on either side of your base material.


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Shane, if you have nice nieghbors i"d go over and say this is what i'd like to do, and here is a picture of what I think it will look like, since the only one that will complain is the nieghbor. Nobody is driving around from the city looking in your yard, If the nieghbor is cool ,build a shed.
Mine at the last house was 6" off the property line because the nieghbor was asked, and he said go ahead.
sometimes a little forward communication solves a lot of challenges
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