Auto Insurance Fraud Raids

LOL...I wonder if Ragu is watching this?
CTV just broadcasted this story. Lots of people busted. Press conference at police headquarters at around 2:00 this afternoon.
Probably related to the recent raids the cops made on chop shops around the GTA
I'm surprised anybody is still bothering wit that scam, i though after when the insurance rules changed to make it not worth your while anymore, that put a lid on it ..guess not
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I'm surprised anybody is still bothering wit that scam, i though after when the insurance rules changed to make it not worth your while anymore, that put a lid on it ..guess not

If there's money being paid out for physiotherapy, then there's money to be scammed, split, and spent.
Somebody publish the names already. I've got Twenty on Ragu.
my dad had to get some physio therapy done, he didn't know about the black list the companies have for suspected insurance fraud businesses...didn't realise how rampant it is...south asian you say...hmmm...
And you guys thought we were being racist:


Then look at the home towns of half of them, looks like I was right about Markham!
It's not just clinics, it's paralegals too. I could name drop 40 or 50 clinics without breaking a sweat that rip off insurance companies on a DAILY basis. You would not believe how powerless adjusters are to stop them. Which is why the legislation changes came along. It was meant to curb fraud. Hopefully this sends a clear message to all the clinics and personal injury lawyers.
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