Sand of the Vagina. Sounds like a soap opera.
I am not really big on the whole Apple thing and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Isn't an iPod used as a music player?... Much like a CD/MP3 player?
What use can you make of any app on such a device?
If it's an iPad or iPhone, I could understand but an iPod?... Can't you just load the music on and call it a day?
Apps for the Ipod? huh, stupid me. I only use my ipod for music and videos. I thought only iphones or ipod touches really use apps.
My daughter wanted an ipod, so I bought her one. She created an apple id, and when she uses app store and tries to download free apps it says she has to use a cc number or i tunes card. This is just typical apple BS. Feeling less sorry for jobs by the day.
There's a way around this, my lil sis found the way.....I don't know, maybe you have to specify something when youre signing up for an account, IDK, there is a way though, this happened to me too.
wow, are we on our period today? I was talking about the person right in top of my post, also every other thread where someone doesn't say apple is god guys like Moreno and poser come in and get all ******.
wash the sand of the vagina and you will be ok