I hope not.What's next? Outlaw flaming skulls on the back of jackets or painted on bikes?
Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
I hope not.What's next? Outlaw flaming skulls on the back of jackets or painted on bikes?
My fave show right now. Did not see that coming.I could care less about logos...unless they are paying me to wear them or it's free gear.....but now I want to wear Monster logos down south. lol
I don't think God is thin skinned enough to worry about some logos.
Speaking about which, anyone watch Lucifer. It's funny in it's own way. Gotta catch up on the episode where Mom escapes.
I thought I was the only oneI've heard of a guy with 'El Cock Block' on his windshield. I thought it was about a chicken. LoL.
They should get rid of license plates with the cross, fish or other religious stuff on it, because it's just as un-offensive as his plate.
He's only got five characters on there. If he'd actually wanted VIE6SIX, he could have done that.
They should get rid of license plates with the cross, fish or other religious stuff on it, because it's just as un-offensive as his plate.
Wtf happened to the like button on Tapatalk??Hey Joe, don't take your bike down south to the bible belt...
I was openly ridiculed one time for screwing up a currency conversion yet you're getting away with this epic brain fart. Life's not fair.
Way to spoil the test for others Captain Underpants, and call me Professor please. Show some respect, however minor.VI6SIX is six characters. Poopypants.
You weren't always allowed to. I recall only being able to do 6 when personalized plates came out.Life is indeed unfair, but you can put eight letters and/or numbers on a plate.