Are people really so thin-skinned to be offended by this?

Well to be fair, it did take them 15 years

Makes me want to start complaining about vanity plates in general. Any one I see, I'll find it offensive for what ever the reason. Maybe it offends my religion? Whatever. Just to ruin it for them all. Won't get far but, maybe piss off a few?
I saw a farmers pick up with EIEIO. I was livid.
I hope the grief counselors have enough time to sort all this out.
So much for separation of church and state.

Doesn't really apply to Canada. Whereas the US has a clause in its Constitution (1st Amendment) prohibiting the government writing laws establishing a religion nor interfering with the free exercise of a religion, Canada has no such explicit counterpart in its Constitution. It's just sort of been a very Canadian-esque assumption that in a liberal democracy the government has no place in the pews of the nation, so to speak.

But, really, in Canada it has done in the past and does even now. Catholic school funding, for instance, is a direct example of government/church boundaries being pretty fuzzy here.

In California, reasons for rejecting a personalized plate include ("but are not limited to"):

1. The configuration has a sexual connotation or is a term of lust or depravity.
2. The configuration is a vulgar term; a term of contempt, prejudice, or hostility; an insulting or degrading term; a racially degrading term; or an ethnically degrading term.
3. The configuration is a swear word or term considered profane, obscene, or repulsive.
4. The configuration has a negative connotation to a specific group.
5. The configuration misrepresents a law enforcement entity.
6. The configuration has been deleted from regular series license plates.
7. The configuration is a foreign or slang word or term, or is a phonetic spelling or mirror image of a word or term falling into the categories described in subdivisions 1. through 6. above.

We're not the only place where hurt feelings result in rights of expression being curtailed.
Makes me want to start complaining about vanity plates in general. Any one I see, I'll find it offensive for what ever the reason. Maybe it offends my religion? Whatever. Just to ruin it for them all. Won't get far but, maybe piss off a few?
It'll piss me off ?
I'm all about the vanity plates.
Got them when I got my license. Want them for the bike. I wonder if "PRINCE" is taken....

Sent from my custom purple Joe Bass mobile device using Tapatalk
There is a real dichotomy here. Guy gets caught doing something he shouldn't (there are rules for picking license names, doesn't matter if you don't like them or think they're unjust or unfair). So he gets all butt hurt about it and whines. Do people say quit yer whining you big whiner guy you. No! They prefer to go after the person who caught him out, saying that they are the butt hurt one for complaining. Since when is it someone else's fault when you do something you shouldn't? People here are putting way too much time and energy into this stupidity.
But who is complaining? If I were him, I'd submit a Freedom of Information request.

* Did my plate offend an actual person? Or,
* Did my plate offend the GOVERNMENT of Ontario?

It is a small distinction that makes a big difference.
But who is complaining? If I were him, I'd submit a Freedom of Information request. * Did my plate offend an actual person? Or, * Did my plate offend the GOVERNMENT of Ontario? It is a small distinction that makes a big difference.
He is complaining.
There is a real dichotomy here. Guy gets caught doing something he shouldn't (there are rules for picking license names, doesn't matter if you don't like them or think they're unjust or unfair). So he gets all butt hurt about it and whines. Do people say quit yer whining you big whiner guy you. No! They prefer to go after the person who caught him out, saying that they are the butt hurt one for complaining. Since when is it someone else's fault when you do something you shouldn't? People here are putting way too much time and energy into this stupidity.

IDK, I think when you have a plate for 15 years and out of the blue it get's yanked because someone found it offensive it's a bit rich too. If it was me, I'd be ******.

It's not like the plate owner is spray painting the numbers on people's grave stones or garage doors. If someone gets offended by a religious context that means something to them, they should just ignore it themselves. Why must the plate owner give up his plate after 15 years without a concern? Wasn't it the government's job to catch it at submission? Or even after the initial renewal? But, now?

Do we just wait for any public complaint to be logged and then act on it?

Anyone can choose the be offended at something if they look hard enough for it. Maybe it's their own narrow mindness?

What do we tell the home owners that live on 666 main street? Or 666 Queen St? I drive by that house every day and it's symbolic of the devil's house. It must be changed?!?!?d

If the fella had complained he applied for the plate and was denied, I'd agree he was just sour grapes and whining.
If the fella had complained he applied for the plate and was denied, I'd agree he was just sour grapes and whining.

This isn't the first time this has happened. Plenty of people have slipped things past the censors only to have their plate revoked when someone complained.
This isn't the first time this has happened. Plenty of people have slipped things past the censors only to have their plate revoked when someone complained.

English is a living language and meanings change. I get that and in some cases plates may have to be pulled but in this case it's really stretching the point.

What if my postal code is interpreted as something weird? Do I have to move?
Well said Nakkers.

Why should anyone go out of their way to appease some crazy idiot that believes in imaginary beings? I knew a guy in 1998 that had "69 ER". I wonder if he ever had it revoked.

When I was younger and immature I tried to get "DEMON 69". It was denied of course, but why should it have been no that I think about it. Maybe I had a 1969 Dodge Demon. What if I got "ANGEL 77"? Would that be ok? Just because some nut job that worships imaginary beings finds it offensive, normal people shouldn't have to appease them.
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