April Friday 13 Port Dover

did you guys end up going to port dover in april? how's the turn out?
Was it good, a lot/some/or no supersports?

There's one this friday, debating to see if it's worth it.

It is mostly Pirates and every biker cliche possible. Everyone should go once. There are bikes other then HD's but you are sorely outnumbered

check for this ride: http://www.gtamotorcycle.com/vbforu...ort-Dover-Friday-the-13th-9-30-Ride-July-2012

We sent a few years back, will go this year as we have some noobs coming with us. Should just be a good day for a ride
I've got my own route planned out, I'll be meeting a buddy of mine in Maple probably vaughan mills area and heading down around 10 or 11 am. Maybe 12, not too sure.

If anyone wants to meet up at vaughan mills please feel free to pm me and i'll give you my cell number. I will be taking the 407 down to the 403, so if you're cool with that then we'll ride :) .. i'm not dealing with 401 construction its horrible, especially on a Friday morning/afternoon .. I also ride at a steady pace, i'm not one to speed or throttle rip.
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