ok, never thought this day would come, but it has.....
Got the Note 7 for over a week now.
Boy.... you Android fanboys have been duped!!!!
I've never used such a clunky, intrusive OS in my life!!!!
example, I did service work for a Hair salon, next door there is a Mucho Burrito store. The next day, Google notifies me that I visited Mucho Burrito the day before and wants me to rate my experience! Good Golly!! I never visited the place! Leave me alone dammit!!
Multitasking on Android? Non existent. I like to play you tube music while doing other things on my phone. Guess what? the moment I leave the app, to respond to a message or check the weather, the music stops!! What a joke! Never had this problem on BlackBerry!
Messages are all over the place! On BB, you have the incredible messaging HUB where all your notifications and messages are in one spot, and you can respond, delete, acknowledge, etc. Thankfully, BB mercifully introduced HUB for Android and its made the transition a little less jarring.
Other flaws, google keeps pushing its services and Gmail apps. I dont want it!! Stop pestering me!! I dont need reminders!
Nothing 'flows', its all a mishmash of navigation. Notifications are atrocious. Multitask button is retarded. Keyboard glass typing is pathetic, never made so many mistakes and errors.
GTAM friends, its a sorry sorry shame that BB10 never took off. You guys would have been treated to one of the smoothest, non intrustive, beautifully designed OS'es ever created. Notifications are a snap. TRUE multitasking, excellent keyboard, NON instrusive, excellent battery life. Excellent HUB notifications.
Samsung has a great product here, likely the most beautiful device on the market. Build quality is excellent. Stunning display. (except for the battery issue which I'm sure they will resolve), but man, the OS is a step back. No wonder Samsung is trying to find a way to bring in their own Tizen OS and have replace Android on their watches with Tizen. Even they know Android is crap!!