This sentiment is pretty much what I read most other places.
It bothers me that they want to examine you driving but it is NOT supposed to be used against you.
You get dinged for braking in shopping plaza, car pulls out you step on the brake and...ding
Some of the measurements are not fitting to driving in an urban area.
Why don't they just give us the lower rates and if/when we do something wrong then ding us accordingly?
Have you heard about Business Intelligence before? It's not exactly a new thing in IT but a lot of people have never even heard of it. It is mostly used by companies in retail industry to analyse customers behaviour, to find their buying pattern, etc. BI is also widely used by insurance companies for instance to map out which area are considered as high risk (flood, accident, theft, household income, houses price etc).
BI requires a lot of data to process, more data means more accurate analysis. Sometimes they use 10-15 years of data to find the answer they are looking for. The telematic device is used to collect the data and will be processed to find our driving pattern. There will be variables set for each individual which will be used as references for BI tool so that the result would be objective.
Companies who provide the device might have access to data from Waze (external data) so that they can adjust parameters accordingly. They might not need external data if a lot of people use this device. It works just like Waze itself, more people use it the more accurate it will be.
It will record sudden acceleration and deceleration but it's looking for a pattern, not one time off. So if traffic light turns yellow and it is safe to stop then stop, it will be recorded but doesn't mean it's your pattern. If you are on the hwy and you keep doing sudden deceleration that means you are driving too close to the car in front of you. The device also records the rate of acceleration/deceleration, how long you are off the throttle before hitting the brake.
Of course BI is only as good as the logic they use and it needs improvement from time to time. When they first launched this device they might use 100 kph as a reference for speed limit on hwy but some companies don't do that anymore. They might use Waze data as a reference for traffic speed so as long as you are within the parameter then you are ok even if you are doing 125 kph.
You have to drive far enough or long enough for this to work otherwise pattern won't show up. They said that they can't use the data to jack up your rate nor to deny you but I believe they will find a way to do that if they see you at high risk. Basically they want you to drive as if you are on Tesla autopilot