Anyone using Allstate Drivewise or like odb2 plugin to lower your


Just curious if you received the discounts or did your rates go up.
They claim you will save 10-20% after 6 months of use.
You plug in device into odb2 port and they track your driving habits.

I read some user feedback which seems ppl are getting dinged for innocent things e.g. you hard brake to avoid accident, kids, animals, or object in roadway.

There are some other things I am a bit concerned about.
It works with a cell signal (has a SIM card in it) but if you can't get a cellphone signal in an underground then how does their device work?

I don't understand their logic, we can't use the info against you. So, if they are tracking you and you do NOT get lower rates due to your habits/style then you are basically putting yourself on their radar. It's not anonymous therefore they know exactly how you drive.
Some people stated while their rates were going down with the device it ended with their rates creeping back up after the 6 months.

PM me if you want to discuss in private.
Anyone one using these devices?
My parents have one, it tracks abrupt braking, quick acceleration, times when you drive etc. They get something like 15 or 20% discount because of it.

I think it was part of the rules setup to allow insurance companies to offer these devices that your rate couldn't be raised because of it.

There was a study released not that long ago where they pointed out that the number of people receiving the maximum discount possible was beyond exceedingly low (IIRC less than 5 people total).

TL: DR If you drive like old people expect your rates to drop some, but not nearly as much as the ad's lead on.
My parents have one, it tracks abrupt braking, quick acceleration, times when you drive etc. They get something like 15 or 20% discount because of it.

I think it was part of the rules setup to allow insurance companies to offer these devices that your rate couldn't be raised because of it.

There was a study released not that long ago where they pointed out that the number of people receiving the maximum discount possible was beyond exceedingly low (IIRC less than 5 people total).

TL: DR If you drive like old people expect your rates to drop some, but not nearly as much as the ad's lead on.

good to know
yes, it seems the majority complain about how they score braking e.g. going down a hill coasting you can get dinged

well I might give it a go for 6 months, weather is warm, ride my bike most of the time, lol

some of the stipulations seem stupid to me
you get dinged for driving from midnight to 4am due to tired drivers and drunk
YET more accidents occur during prime time
12-4am the roads are empty
Talking to friends involved in the insurance industry and they are saying if you install one of these devices in your vehicle, that you are a basically a muppethead.
OMG, don't fall into this trap. There is no upside over the long haul. This is bad.
I see them as the insurance company allowing you to load the gun they will eventually put to your head.
I'm not nearly disciplined enough to have Big Brother looking over my shoulder like that.

Surprised there's not more hacking or "spoofing" going on out there. This story is interesting but it would be neater and cleaner to put a dongle between the unit and the car's PCM to intercept certain PID calls, such as vehicle speed, throttle and RPM and massage (i.e. filter) the values to smooth out the "sudden" starts and stops...
They can keep their 20% or 30% or whatever ... it's not happening, not in my vehicles.
This sentiment is pretty much what I read most other places.
It bothers me that they want to examine you driving but it is NOT supposed to be used against you.
You get dinged for braking in shopping plaza, car pulls out you step on the brake and...ding
Some of the measurements are not fitting to driving in an urban area.

Why don't they just give us the lower rates and if/when we do something wrong then ding us accordingly?
It's my understanding the information isn't used against the specific policy holder. But the information itself can be used to set rates overall.

So it does affect the individual at some point.

I did the ajusto app on my phone. Think I even posted a thread about it.

It was just a trial.

I was surprised at what it did pick up on. Sudden acceleration. Abrupt lane changes.

My score wasn't great because I set the cruise to 119 km/h and that put me in the red zone for the vast majority of the time.

The app has it so you can select if you are riding a motorcycle or driving a vehicle. Or taking transportation etc.

Companies pay big money for information about their customers and potential customers. So the "discount" is really to compensate for the information. Not the risk itself.

If they get enough participants, they will form a base line and start jacking their rates accordingly.

It just validates what we already know. The majority of drivers exceed speed limits etc.

This is a case where it's best the companies don't know, the better. Because they will just use the information to justify higher rates.

Same as how they keep telling us fraud is the biggest reason for high rates.

It's easy to point too.

But is it really the reason? Seems like an easy scape goat.

I'm sure the USA has just as much fraud or the European countries have fraud too.

Is Canada really that bad?

I don't think so.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This sentiment is pretty much what I read most other places.
It bothers me that they want to examine you driving but it is NOT supposed to be used against you.
You get dinged for braking in shopping plaza, car pulls out you step on the brake and...ding
Some of the measurements are not fitting to driving in an urban area.

Why don't they just give us the lower rates and if/when we do something wrong then ding us accordingly?

No offense buddy but please pull the blinders off. It's not a stretch to say most people are out to fcku one way or another. And that's just people, when you get into organized profit centres it's all about increasing the bottom line and people are hired, rewarded and awarded for that. Jeez.
No offense buddy but please pull the blinders off. It's not a stretch to say most people are out to fcku one way or another. And that's just people, when you get into organized profit centres it's all about increasing the bottom line and people are hired, rewarded and awarded for that. Jeez.

I am well aware of the deal. I just wanted to hear from other ppl that actually used these devices and their results.
It would be good to know if some of them complained about the readings to see if they were adjusted.

As I stated, insurance co. is all about stats therefore you are more likely to get into an accident during peek driving hours vs. 1am.
They also seem to penalize ppl that have night shifts because you will be driving during their danger hours 12am-4am (or 6am).
We must have a city full of drunk drivers and ppl falling asleep at the wheel. Maybe one day we can get a police force.
I am well aware of the deal. I just wanted to hear from other ppl that actually used these devices and their results.
It would be good to know if some of them complained about the readings to see if they were adjusted.

As I stated, insurance co. is all about stats therefore you are more likely to get into an accident during peek driving hours vs. 1am.
They also seem to penalize ppl that have night shifts because you will be driving during their danger hours 12am-4am (or 6am).
We must have a city full of drunk drivers and ppl falling asleep at the wheel. Maybe one day we can get a police force.

Well ok, in your second post you stated that you'd like to give it a go for 6 months, negatives be damned, 20-30% savings being the impetus. As long as you understand that in no way, shape or form is this designed to serve you better over the long run. The house will win. If I've mischaracterized your position I apologize.
Why don't they just give us the lower rates and if/when we do something wrong then ding us accordingly?

Common, insurance companies, right? .... which other business can legally jack up your rates by 25% after one minor conviction? .... it's a sweet deal they've got there, and they will keep milking it until someone brave will stop them one day. Do I hear Donald's Trump Canadian cousin running in Ontario? LOL ... He will get us much better deal, and it will not take more than 15 mins. Hopes are always alive ...
I just cancelled my insurance with Allstate today, for my Jeep & Bike I was paying $390.00 per month for both...I went with Aviva (Dalton Timmies) now I pay $225.00 per month for both, maybe you should give them a call?

Talk to Kerryann (905) 335-7451
Maybe she can give you a great deal, tell her I sent you!
My parents have one. My dad drives on an 80kph stretch of road for roughly 50 minutes per day with almost no stops.
I believe he told me that the accel/decel forces cannot exceed a difference of 10/kph per second. He has had to brake hard and it dinged him once or twice, but over the long haul only were nailed a few times and after 1 year, the device is removed from the vehicle. They are 1% short of the maximum discount on their policy and no longer have the device in vehicle.
TLDR; 1 year jail term driving like a puss and then go nuts
my dad had one on his work vehicle. he was gone for 6 weeks. his rate was reduced 1.x% that month. the car went 0km. he was pretty ******.
This is a joke . But I drive along the 401 during high traffic times . If I hit my breaks from a goof changing lanes and not looking I`m penalized .
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