Anyone into gardening here?

I know someone that bought some from Manitoba. I'm tempted but think the realty is less lawn and more flower bed.

The back yard is less critical. You don't have to mow mulch and it deters weeds.
Depending on what weeds you need to get rid of, I may know a closer supply than Manitoba. Cough.
Depending on what weeds you need to get rid of, I may know a closer supply than Manitoba. Cough.
My next door neighbour did his small patch of lawn in his back yard with astro turf. Some night I'm going to plant a plastic dandelion in it.

If I got rid of all my weeds I'd have mostly dirt. A total re-sod is $2K. Lawn care dollars aren't the end of the world so needs a rethink. Do I do restore over a couple of years, learning as I go to prevent another weed takeover or blow $2K every decade or???

I'm not after the Good Garden Award but planting more garden needs the permission of the park warden who must be obeyed. First world problem, feeding your lawn.
Was just coming to ask for options other than fencing.
Pops planted 12 tomato plants
Lost 4 so far
Lost 1 zucchini and 2 cucumber plants

Tempted to just catch it and bbq it up.

May have to install a camera on a wooden

I have that ultra sonic sound thing from Home Depot that's supposed to keep critters away.
Doesn't seem to be working.
Funny thing is, when my oldest is in the backyard they always complain about the high pitched noise they hear.

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Funny enough, we have not had a single nibble on any plants in our gardens, we started smaller as we thought it all would get eaten but even the lettuce has grown huge with no signs of animals or even bugs.. I'll consider myself lucky this year. Next year we're moving to a fenced in portion on my property and doing all raised garden beds it'll be easier for my MIL to tend to them as she is the main gardener around here..
I’m watching a rabbit munching away in the back yard and it seems to be eating broad leaf veggies. I wonder if I can rent a herd of the things. It worked for Australia but a little too well.
I’ll take a few in a bit. Basically when I originally bought it the thing had 3-4 paddles on a main body “stub”. I planted it in cactus soil outside in a sunny spot and put gravel on top of the soil and it grew well over the first summer. After the winter I went to look and all the paddles had fallen off and looked very dead. I thought the plant was dead but the “stub” sprouted a new paddle in the Spring pretty quickly. Very impressed. I’m assuming with each successive winter the thing will get stronger.

Have to say, for a cactus it grows pretty quickly.
Hey when you get a chance please post pic's of the winter cactus! Thx
Hey when you get a chance please post pic's of the winter cactus! Thx
Sorry for the delay..

It's got a few more buds today. Looking really healthy too.

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Sorry for the delay..

It's got a few more buds today. Looking really healthy too.

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All good, thanks for this, I've got a perfect spot for that. Now to check out my Crappy Tire to see if they have them.
After starting seeds in egg cartons, I transfer the plants into styrofoam cups, then into the ground. This guy couldn't find a good home, so I just left it in the cup.
A month ago, it flower.
Then a tiny tomato happened. I've never watered it, rain only.'s

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