Anyone into gardening here?

Shane have you got any advice on slug control?
Only the Standard hosta took a beating last summer. A saucer of beer attracted them for a while.

This also includes raccoons and skunks who dig up the lawns looking for grubs.


In one sense the raccoons give you a warning that you have grubs unless they also go after earthworms. My neighbour's lawn looks like it was roto-tilled.

I've been trying coyote urine in some places and it seems to help. Got it from LeBaron. My wife wants to know how they collect it.
how do you guys deal with squirrels?

The most effective method of squirrel control that I have found is to smear a dab of peanut butter over then end of a .22 and wait. Squirrels love peanut butter the first time but I've never had one come back for seconds? :confused:
Tomato plants x 5 - yellow / red bell peppers x 4 - carrots x 1 row - peas x 1 row - spinach & swiss chard x 1 row each - green onions x 1 row - pickling cucumber x 2 rows. Garlic grows wild in my garden, as do chives & dill weed.
Oh and the moss... moss everywhere.

In case you don't know, mosses generally like shade, moisture, lower air movement and acidic soils that are rich in organic matter. If you have moss in your lawn, try to rake it out, correct one of the underlying causes (prune nearby trees for light, amend soil to be more favourable to grass, water less and/or improve drainage, mow higher, raise pH with liming) and then over seed with a grass species that is proper for the location based on the conditions. There are very shade tolerant grass species that are constantly improving through breeding.
If you can get your grass to grow healthy, it will out-compete the moss. That said, moss can also grow on sunny sites and can be a real challenge to get rid of sometimes. In certain golf course environments, the use of copper or other metallic based herbicides can be used to control it. I have also read that some people have had success with the use of Dawn dish soap.
Shane have you got any advice on slug control?
Only the Standard hosta took a beating last summer. A saucer of beer attracted them for a while.

Have you tried using a product called diatomaceous earth? Essentially it's like microscopic shards of glass (but really fossilized shells) that pierce the bellies of the slugs as they move around and they bleed out. You can usually get it at a dedicated nursery/garden center like Sheridan Nurseries or Humber Nurseries. The beer in a tuna can is a good solution, but it wastes perfectly good beer.
Anybody feel bored they can plant my backyard. I don't have the patience to nurture plants
I gave up on any veggie gardens. I tried for a few years and every possible animal got in it and ate everything. The last year I had it fenced in with the smallest kind of chicken wire I could find and it still all was gone. I saw rabbits, raccoons, skunks, birds and even a deer. Yes a Brampton !!! I swear the birds were helping the animals. I had it against a fence and the bird would sit on the fence and guide them to how to get through the fence. Had a new neighbor move in and plant a garden. I warned him what would happen and he laughed at me. He isn't laughing now. Saw him today putting fence around it. Wished him luck.
I gave up on any veggie gardens. I tried for a few years and every possible animal got in it and ate everything. The last year I had it fenced in with the smallest kind of chicken wire I could find and it still all was gone. I saw rabbits, raccoons, skunks, birds and even a deer. Yes a Brampton !!! I swear the birds were helping the animals. I had it against a fence and the bird would sit on the fence and guide them to how to get through the fence. Had a new neighbor move in and plant a garden. I warned him what would happen and he laughed at me. He isn't laughing now. Saw him today putting fence around it. Wished him luck.

Thought I had the same problem, then discovered a neighbour was stealing my veggies. Also in Brampton. Stopped right after I tried the peanut butter/.22 trick. Side note, why the eff would you be eating veggies with deer meat available??
Anybody feel bored they can plant my backyard. I don't have the patience to nurture plants

Ooh, can't tend to a garden? Don't tell current gf, that equates to "not husband material".
Had two garden boxes loaded with good stuff last year, then got a black lab in the fall, who soon discovered she could jump in, grab the peppers/tomatoes and run. No veggie garden this year.

Also built a fabulous bird garden last year. Had to remove my dear wisterias and foxglove, due to being toxic to dogs. Lawn is overrun by thistle and there's no keeping on top of that evil ****. Can't afford to remove/re-sod lawn. Still figuring out what to do.
Shane sent me his list of lawn pests and I think there is a different one for every blade of grass in my lawn. Whether you have a hundred square feet of lawn or a hundred acres of golf course you still have the same number of enemies.

I would seriously consider AstroTurf if I wasn't worried about a mega slug the size of a rhinoceros breeding under it.

Lawns are actually stupid wastes of water and space. (Unless you raise cattle)
Anybody feel bored they can plant my backyard. I don't have the patience to nurture plants

Ditto. I've got about 80-90sq.ft. of front yard that isn't concrete or gravel. After a few lacklustre attempts at tomatoes(yum but sparse) I'm not in the mood this year. What can I throw into the ground and forgetaboutit?
Ditto. I've got about 80-90sq.ft. of front yard that isn't concrete or gravel. After a few lacklustre attempts at tomatoes(yum but sparse) I'm not in the mood this year. What can I throw into the ground and forgetaboutit?

Sunny or shady? Shady...plant hostas. Sunny...Echinacea does well for me. Veggies? Peas and beans are easy.
Sunny or shady? Shady...plant hostas. Sunny...Echinacea does well for me. Veggies? Peas and beans are easy.

Shady, under a leaning Crimson King maple. I just googled hosta. I'm in. That was easy. Thx.
Shane sent me his list of lawn pests and I think there is a different one for every blade of grass in my lawn. Whether you have a hundred square feet of lawn or a hundred acres of golf course you still have the same number of enemies.

I would seriously consider AstroTurf if I wasn't worried about a mega slug the size of a rhinoceros breeding under it.

Lawns are actually stupid wastes of water and space. (Unless you raise cattle)

A coworker did his backyard in AstroTurf (or another brand), and has 3 Rotties. Says it's the best thing ever. But not cheap. Was thinking of doing my poor excuse for a front lawn in it. Wife kyboshed that idea. Doesn't like the look. However, I've seen some really nice stuff around now.
Agree completely about lawns. Waste too much time and energy ( and $$$) to maintain them, when I should be kicking a ball around on them with the kids.
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