Anyone into gardening here?

No it doesn’t. Very little evidence that marijuana has an effect on cancer. Everything else is pain related, muscle relaxant related or due to the effects of marijuana in the brain (feelings of wellbeing).
THAT IS NOT TRUE. at least read the document you linked too. for crying out loud. "there is little evidence of actual results in humans except in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma(49)."
WE NEED RESEARCH...not dismissal thats its "bunk"
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Delays onset is not a cure.....palliative is not a cure. Again, be careful. Do you know the number of potential drugs that work in vitro (Petri dishes) but fail miserably in vivo (animals). I’ve also worked in the Alzheimer’s area and there are drugs that have existed for a long time that delay onset. There’s also a massive issue with trying to work out how effective a drug is for an Alzheimer’s patient as results are skewed by the interactions with the patients themselves. Alzheimer’s patients do better with daily interactions from other people.
Delays onset is not a cure.....palliative is not a cure. Again, be careful. Do you know the number of potential drugs that work in vitro (Petri dishes) but fail miserably in vivo (animals). I’ve also worked in the Alzheimer’s area and there are drugs that have existed for a long time that delay onset. There’s also a massive issue with trying to work out how effective a drug is for an Alzheimer’s patient as results are skewed by the interactions with the patients themselves. Alzheimer’s patients do better with daily interactions from other people.

ok, did you miss the part where it goes on to state - this delay of alzheimers is such that you will likely die from old age before the onset of alzheimer's. It also states - marijauna is more effective that any pharma meds.
Funny and very odd that you leave this part out. purposeful even.
Seems you need to hear pot absolutely is a miracle cure. It isn't. It certainly isn't "bunk"

and further qoutes from your provided link;

"Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and other forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are widely and successfully treated with cannabis. (71) "
More "bunk" ? from the document you provided?

more ....Recentclinical trialshave produced dramatic resultswith 50% of Crohn’s patients achieving complete remission and over 90% achieving substantial improvement. The evidence for the use of cannabis in Crohn’s and other forms of IBD is CONCLUSIVE. (more bunk?)
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and more from your link....

Medicinal Cannabis: The Evidence9Studies And ClinicalTrialsCancerThe anti cancer propertiesof THC, CBD, CBG and other cannabinoids are wellestablished. Scientists have been investigating them since the early 1970s and more than 1100 papers on cannabinoids and cancer have been published. (42)It is also well established that cannabis helps with the side effects of cancer treatments, particularly nausea and lack of appetite.(43,44,45,46)Cannabis may also help alleviate anxiety, depression, insomniaand mood disorders in cancer patients. However, some patients may find exactly the opposite results(47)A very large quantity of anecdotal reports detail remarkable results with cannabis oil on many different forms of cancer.(48)One of the most important properties of cannabis as a cancer therapy is that it is non-toxic and even if little therapeutic effect is achieved, it causes littleharm.On balance, while there is good evidence of anti cancer propertiesin vitro (human cell lines) and in vivo (animal) studies, there is little evidence of actual results in humans except in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma(49).

This is a far cry from "Bunk" ...
and from your document ..."there is little evidence of actual results in humans except in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma(49)."
clearly more research is needed.
dismissing it as bunk is short sighted.
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ok, did you miss the part where it goes on to state - this delay of alzheimers is such that you will likely die from old age before the onset of alzheimer's. It also states - marijauna is more effective that any pharma meds.
Funny and very odd that you leave this part out. purposeful even.
Seems you need to hear pot absolutely is a miracle cure. It isn't. It certainly isn't "bunk"

and further qoutes from your provided link;

"Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and other forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are widely and successfully treated with cannabis. (71) "
More "bunk" ? from the document you provided?

more ....Recentclinical trialshave produced dramatic resultswith 50% of Crohn’s patients achieving complete remission and over 90% achieving substantial improvement. The evidence for the use of cannabis in Crohn’s and other forms of IBD is CONCLUSIVE.
(more bunk?)
speaking of weed, but back to what this thread is actually about... my garden has so many weeds I need to get out there quick before they swallow my veggies.

I think this is the year I rip up the 10x30 boulevard and turn it into a mixed ground cover garden. Mississauga now allows it and I think it would be neat to do a mosaic of ground covers.
So good to see people growing outdoors naturally. One thing to take into consideration when growing outdoors in urban areas is light pollution.
Pot plants generally require 10.5, 11 or even 12 hours of UNBROKEN darkness to trigger flowering. Any stray light during this "dark period" and it will hinder or even stop the flowering. This stray light could come from patio lights, a street light, porch light etc. . Take this into consideration when choosing a spot for your plants.

I agree, but I live right in the city and I've found growing outdoors (in years past thanks to a medicinal license) still works fine even with the massive amount of light pollution we have. You can easily get a pound of bud growing outside from a single plant right in the city!
Man, this really blew up the wrong way. We're supposed to be talking about growing stuff here. There is a pot thread on this forum somewhere, probably better off debating things there. Meanwhile, my plants are doing stellar. Loving the bright sun, growing well and I have my first flower starting on one. Good times.
Man, this really blew up the wrong way. We're supposed to be talking about growing stuff here. There is a pot thread on this forum somewhere, probably better off debating things there. Meanwhile, my plants are doing stellar. Loving the bright sun, growing well and I have my first flower starting on one. Good times.

Sorry about that.

My garden is doing ok. Peonies are enormous this year. The freeze thaw and a flood in my garden has cut down on my perennial yuccas. They used to be huge and flowered every year but they aren’t looking too happy this year. A couple of crowns have rotted completely. Looks like I lost a rose too which I’m ****** about. Most things seem a few weeks late so far.
My Trilliums are done. Rose isn't doing so well. Yucca hasn't bloomed in eight years, and looked ragged for most of that, so my wife took it out.

I thin my yuccas back to dinner plate size. I yank out the oldest looking parts each spring (early). They flower like crazy, last couple are gone today.
Veg garden is doing well so far.
Horseradish.....totally outta control . Leaves are 4' high already.
Never needed to really touch the yuccas before, they occupied about 16sq feet of a bed and grew like crazy. This year the garden iced over and formed a basin. It held a massive amount of water and that flooded everything and kept it waterlogged for a while. Quite a few plants seem to have rotted sadly. I bought a pump and was pumping water from the garden for a few days which I’ve never needed to do before. It was a very odd winter.
This spring's growing weather hasn't been quite as good as last year's, but as usual Crop King's "White Widow" strain is my strongest performer - CK white widow and sour jack seeds (2 of each) planted April 27th, sprouted a week later. One of my SJ sprouts was a runt so I killed it off and decided to grow out my purple kush mother from last year as a test (to keep to 4 plant max legal limit). As of yesterday, the slightly bigger WW was 25" tall with 7" fan leaves. Sour jack is considerably smaller at just under 20". All 3 sprouts still on track to hit 1lb of dried bud, curious to see what the PK will yield. Here's a pic of the WW's:


My garden is doing ok. Peonies are enormous this year. The freeze thaw and a flood in my garden has cut down on my perennial yuccas. They used to be huge and flowered every year but they aren’t looking too happy this year. A couple of crowns have rotted completely. Looks like I lost a rose too which I’m ****** about. Most things seem a few weeks late so far.
Similar in my garden -- weird year. The bad: Tulips came up scraggly, magnolia tree did not bloom (first time ever), lost all my hibiscus and mandivillas that I overwintered inside and my 10 year old mini-rose collection vanished. Annuals doing poorly -- angel's trumpet, castors, cannas, vincas, dhalias peppers and tomatoes should be growing fast by now - haven't grown a mm since planting a month ago. All my Bok choi, spinach, radishes and lettuce bolted before being harvestable.

The good: bumper crop of strawberries, raspberries, kale and cabbage, perennial herbs, lillies, hosta, collection is having a banner year. Same for the the ornamental bushes, Trudeaus and my cedum collection. One of my hostas went gargantuan, over 5' across, another sent up the weirdest flower I've ever seen (I'll post a pic tonight).
Similar in my garden -- weird year. The bad: Tulips came up scraggly, magnolia tree did not bloom (first time ever), lost all my hibiscus and mandivillas that I overwintered inside and my 10 year old mini-rose collection vanished. Annuals doing poorly -- angel's trumpet, castors, cannas, vincas, dhalias peppers and tomatoes should be growing fast by now - haven't grown a mm since planting a month ago. All my Bok choi, spinach, radishes and lettuce bolted before being harvestable.

The good: bumper crop of strawberries, raspberries, kale and cabbage, perennial herbs, lillies, hosta, collection is having a banner year. Same for the the ornamental bushes, Trudeaus and my cedum collection. One of my hostas went gargantuan, over 5' across, another sent up the weirdest flower I've ever seen (I'll post a pic tonight).

Lucky with the strawberries. The local berry farm advertised that they would have a bad late crop this year.

Yucca worse that I hoped. It was an absolutely magnificent perennial, huge flower spikes every year and masses of spikes foliage. It looks super sad right now.
Here's my long delayed garden picture. It's over two weeks old now. So far so good with the garden. All the basics are there for me with multiple double rows of peas (Lincoln and sweet snow), potatoes, chinese vegetables, cherry and heirloom tomatoes (including the must have sun sugar variety), cucumbers (including the white martini variety), two types of onions, rhubarb, raspberries, cherry trees, carrots, etc.


Enjoy the weekend.
Things are growing well now. Banana plants have taken off. Clematis has gone nuts. Beans, cucumbers and toms all doing well. Hot peppers already fruiting. Saw the first slugs the other day so the beer trap has gone out. Lots of grapes evident but I can never get them to fully ripen and stay on the vine without being “stolen”.

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