I've got broccoli, parsley and cauliflower under LED grow lights in my house. I'm trying to get rosemary, oregano, thyme and lavender to germinate on heat mats.
Soon I'll be making a potting bench for my greenhouse.
If anyone is interested, they can follow along with the Facebook page I made for my garden.
I just bought my first house in August, so I'm going to try my hand at growing a few things once all this snow is gone. Picked up a little gardening set and some seeds yesterday; cucumber, lettuce, carrots, and pumpkin ( I like carving) and going to take some of my dads raspberry pants and get those going. I have no idea really how to garden and any indoor plant I have dies. This will be fun.
I just bought my first house in August, so I'm going to try my hand at growing a few things once all this snow is gone. Picked up a little gardening set and some seeds yesterday; cucumber, lettuce, carrots, and pumpkin ( I like carving) and going to take some of my dads raspberry pants and get those going. I have no idea really how to garden and any indoor plant I have dies. This will be fun.
Just an FYI raspberry bushes spread like crazy and can very quickly turn into a nuisance. Nothing that is entirely uncontrollable but they could suddenly be sprouting everywhere.
I had raspberry bushed growing up, so I understand how they can spread. Thankfully I love eating them and will be planting them along the fence line. Hopefully my neighbour doesn't mind as there's limited options for places that get sunlight as I'm surrounded by forest. Thanks for the heads up though!
I got a new toy a few weeks ago in a flash sale. A Sunjoe electric dethatcher and scarifier. It was under a hundred bucks and the red flag deals people thought it was a good deal and since I’ve neglected my lawn for about 15 years I thought I’d give it some TLC this year. The thing is brilliant. I dethatched the lawn last week and then reseeded and put topsoil and fertilizer down and today I used the scarifier to help me lay down some fresh sod after tilling up the soil underneath. The scarifier on the deepest setting is like a mini rototiller. It’s great.
I had raspberry bushed growing up, so I understand how they can spread. Thankfully I love eating them and will be planting them along the fence line. Hopefully my neighbour doesn't mind as there's limited options for places that get sunlight as I'm surrounded by forest. Thanks for the heads up though!
We had them for years along our fence line and the fruit was great! More prolific some years than others. I think it was perhaps weather conditions? They did spread into our neighbour's yard. He didn't mind too much but then after some years, all ours died off. Not sure why. They are still in the yard next door so maybe he'll return the favour and send some back our way?
Having said this, our were on a hill where keeping them properly hydrated was a real issue so that may have been the issue with them eventually dying off.
I have a bunch I planted about 5 years ago. I was disappointed that they only shot a few long shoots... till last year. They exploded, prickly shoots everywhere and a ton of raspberries. This spring it's crazy -- everywhere last year's shoots hit the ground started new growth, I got a raspbetty zombi thing going on in part of my yard-- I'm gonna be crappin red this summer.
especially those little squirrels - chipmunks ? My corn is just sprouting (~ 1" ) and they got 10% of them already.
Last year they ate them all before they reached 6". I give up... think I will just plant something else there...like hot peppers lol.
We had them for years along our fence line and the fruit was great! More prolific some years than others. I think it was perhaps weather conditions? They did spread into our neighbour's yard. He didn't mind too much but then after some years, all ours died off. Not sure why. They are still in the yard next door so maybe he'll return the favour and send some back our way?
Having said this, our were on a hill where keeping them properly hydrated was a real issue so that may have been the issue with them eventually dying off.
Carrots stay fresh in the ground over winter. Dig them up when the ground thaws after the snow.
I wouldn't believe it either, until I did it.
I planted all my stuff may 10th. Cucs popped up yesterday!
Carrots stay fresh in the ground over winter. Dig them up when the ground thaws after the snow.
I wouldn't believe it either, until I did it.
I planted all my stuff may 10th. Cucs popped up yesterday!
if you don't pull carrots out in the spring, and leave them to grow for another season, they will produce seed (in this 2nd season). Ditto for green bunching onions. I leave about one small square foot of each for producing seed.
Growing acorn squash for the first time. Put them in with my cukes. Acorn squash are the ones that look like little green pumpkins.
Never thought I would be into gardening. Wife wanted a vegetable garden this year, so this is what I gave her. Just finished today. Sod cut out by hand with a Lee Valley sod lifter, the four pieces of pie are framed with plastic edging. Soil tilled and many bags of good garden soil added. Got a Sun Joe electric 13 amp tiller, works good, like pulling the tail of a rabid badger! I had no idea how much labor is involved in making a new garden, hope this one will suffice, don't want to do it again. All sod removed was happily accepted by next door neighbor that had a new deck installed and had been left with big areas of dirt instead of grass, win win. Also got a chance to repurpose bunch of flagstone from another project.
For people in the Toronto area who buy veggie plants instead of starting from seed, try the Black Creek Community Farm near Jane & Steeles.
They sell 4" pots for $5 each and they have lots of organic, local and heirloom varieties. A $5 pot of a Kale or Swiss Chard has 4-10 plants in it which could be separated and planted individually. Cash only.
For people in the Toronto area who buy veggie plants instead of starting from seed, try the Black Creek Community Farm near Jane & Steeles.
They sell 4" pots for $5 each and they have lots of organic, local and heirloom varieties. A $5 pot of a Kale or Swiss Chard has 4-10 plants in it which could be separated and planted individually. Cash only.
I was shocked at the selection available at Canadian Tire this year. They were selling 4 packs for $1.19, picked up 4 varieties of peppers, 3 types of tomatos, spinach, swiss chard, bok choi, and 3 types of cukes and 5 types of lettuce. I was out the door for a little over $20.
Most years I start my own under lights. This year I did a handful of exotic heirlooms under lights, and a few Trudeaus. Not worth the hassle of starting regular veggies when you can fill a garden with started plants $50.
WAS wondering as I saved and dried out some wild rasperries last season - but I can't remember where I put them lol. I also saved a bunch of local chestnuts and black walnuts, and stored them in the deep freeze. Planted 3 of each but don't know if they'll sprout - maybe I shouldn't have froze them? The black walnuts are amazing good to eat. Taste the same as store bought.
I was shocked at the selection available at Canadian Tire this year. They were selling 4 packs for $1.19, picked up 4 varieties of peppers, 3 types of tomatos, spinach, swiss chard, bok choi, and 3 types of cukes and 5 types of lettuce. I was out the door for a little over $20.
Most years I start my own under lights. This year I did a handful of exotic heirlooms under lights, and a few Trudeaus. Not worth the hassle of starting regular veggies when you can fill a garden with started plants $50.
good heads up. did you notice if they had any celery plants? Paying $ 4-5 for a single bunch at the grocery store?! is motivating me - I've never grown them b4.
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