Anyone into gardening here?

My big dogs have essentially destroyed our gardens so we have made the switch to mostly shrubbery and hardy bushes, they look great and are way less work. Lots of potted flowers and hanging baskets for color, but wow can that cost a bag of cash.

We always do a few herb pots and I now grow tomatos out of pots, its a race , as soon as they get ripe and start to smell good and tomatoey the yellow lab eats them right off the vine. At least he waits till they ripen now......

Same problem here. Love gardening and got two large breed puppies recently. They are destroying the lawn so we've started a kind of lawn rotation and I had to build a fence inside the normal fence to contain the little vandals while the new grass grows on one side. We'll swap them over eventually and do the same on the new bare patches. What kind of covering is the most resilient to pets?
Just enough to grow some cherry and beefsteak tomatoes.And some kitchen herbs.The marigolds help keep some of the pests away.
Yeah I just got marigolds, hopefully they help.

I caught the raccoon in action last night. Hopefully the water scared him enough not to come back.

Now I'm trying to kill the flea beetles, not sure if I should use neem oil or de (diatomaceous earth)
Scented plants in general help to keep many pests away. So in a veggie garden anything like Marigolds, Lavender, Sage, Dill, Basil etc.. are all beneficial.

For your raccoons, I would recommend just putting down some regular black pepper or if you have some stronger pepper it will also help keep away any animals that sniff their way around. I doubt the water would be an effective long-term deterrent. After some rainfalls, you will need to reapply the pepper, but it's easier and way cheaper than most products on the market. There was product called Critter Ridder that I used to see on the shelves that had Cayenne Pepper as a dominant ingredient. When applying the pepper, try to focus on the entry points into your yard. I used to use it on the top of my fencelines, where tree branches meet the fences and so on... I used cayenne pepper (not household black pepper) and only had to reapply it about 3 times in the whole season. This might also help with dogs as they won't like it either. I've had clients that have used regular black pepper and they have said it worked fine as well. The only thing I do not know is how it affects the soil, other organisms and so forth.

Neem is a great product to use, but IIRC not technically an allowed product on the Ontario Pesticide ban list - but only due to lack of testing. My parents and ancestors have used it for generations for everything from bath soap to pest control. It prevents the ability of many pests to complete their life cycle process, thus killing off future generations. It's also an excellent foliar feed for your plants. I have never personally had flea beetles as a pest problem, but it appears that Neem is effective for control. This article has a list of other pests that can be controlled by the use of Neem. Other ways to control flea beetles also include: Making sure that your young plants are not water stressed (they are most vulnerable here), planting onions or garlic as natural repellents and using sticky traps (yellow) to monitor the pest population. Apparently planting Chinese Daikon (radish) will attract the pests, so they they do not attack your desirable crops as much. Diatomaceous earth is also a suitable control.
Chrysanthemums have a natural pesticide in them (pyrethrin) which is used in Raid sprays etc, planting those near other things helps.
Thanks for the response shane n company. A friend had some neem spray and brought it over so hopefully that helps with the leap beetle I need these cucumber to live for the sake of my pickles lol

For the raccoon in three days he ate my carrots, the parsnips, then dill the basil?!? So last night I built a net around the new half oft garden. Looks like it worked cause I set up new carrots and they are looking good this morning. I have also applied both peppers around the area where I see the raccoon tracks as well as some around the garden.
A cheap battery radio in a ziplock might work too...put it on a chat chanel and leave it out. Apparently raccoons and skunks don't like the sound of voices and will move away. Keep it on low though.
I used to have a large veggie garden (carrots, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, asparagus etc.) but stopped planting last year when I started building the new house. Hopefully I can get a new one in next year. I have used human hair to keep raccoons out of the garden in the past. A friend's wife was in the business and gave it to me from her floor sweepings. Apparently raccoons don't like the smell and/or think that someone is close by. Borage is also helpful in repelling some bugs, and can be eaten in your salad. It is purported to confuse the moth that gives rise to tomato hornworms.
Can anyone suggest a way to keep the cats from crapping in my garden? My neighbour puts out rubber snakes and I think the cats laugh at them before they crap on them lol
Can anyone suggest a way to keep the cats from crapping in my garden? My neighbour puts out rubber snakes and I think the cats laugh at them before they crap on them lol
Fake owl in plain sight.Move it around every few days.
Can anyone suggest a way to keep the cats from crapping in my garden? My neighbour puts out rubber snakes and I think the cats laugh at them before they crap on them lol

I'm sure there are numerous ways but the reality of gardening is that the beautiul ones are the result of lots of work, lots of money or a combination of the two. Lee Valley sells some mats that are like nail beds and critters don't like walking on them. They're not sharp enough to injure but enough to make them detour. Cost and practicality????

I knew a lady that had a perfect lawn with zero weeds. She patroled the lawn like a stalker. Dug out the weed the minute it appeared, patted in some soil and a few grass seeds.

Life in the garden has become more difficult with the pesticide and hebicide bans. There is a common cat killer but it's cruel, illegal and personally, I would prefer to be more creative on the deterant side of things.
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Fake owl in plain sight.Move it around every few days.

Will that actually work? My guess is the cats in my neighbourhood would have it covered in graffiti the next day lol

I would put down those spike things but sometimes the kids next door come looking for a stray ball and I'd hate to surprise them.
Revive an old thread.
Finally got some tomatoes out of my little plot.My herbs are great.The basil is awesome in my Dads pesto recipe on a thin slice of baguette.I planted a curry plant this year and the taste is really different as a fresh sprig in the veggie popper.
Nice, Wingboy. Why not give us all the recipe? I really miss my garden; maybe next year.
I'm trying so hard to find a bonsai or two

I want a mini maple like so:

and maybe a pine of some sort...

I just don't want to buy it already old I want to grow it myself ... anyone any tips?
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