anyone buying ps4 or xbox one

So worth it! I still have all my old stuff and I can't bare to sell my old consoles and games. I still have an old Sony Trinatron for my old systems and I still go back to it offten. Usually to play Road Rash on my 3DO :D

Same here! lol I still have my 32" JVC hooked up for my old systems. Road Rash and Need for Speed kicked *** on 3DO.
DVS Bullet;2103779 Need for Speed kicked *** on 3DO.[/QUOTE said:
This was by far my first favourite Need for Speed game. The graphics (at the time were awesome) and racing that red Ferrari through the country was just great fun!

Having said that I still have a PS2 sitting around somewhere and playing the original Gran Turismo vs the new Gran Turismo my little cousin (8 years old) always ask me "how did you guys play this junk?" LOL

Mind you we found an old NES recently and played the original Mario / Duck Hunt....good times! You even had to blow on the game to make it work!!! It was like reliving my old childhood!
Having said that I still have a PS2 sitting around somewhere and playing the original Gran Turismo vs the new Gran Turismo my little cousin (8 years old) always ask me "how did you guys play this junk?" LOL

Lol!, My little 8 year old cousin's mind was blown when he came over and discovered that video games were around before he was. Youvwant to see a kid scratch his head trying to figure things out? Hook up your old Atari 2600 and have him play that. The little guy hard a hard time just comprehending that all thoses blocks and lines were somehow a video game at all!

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No, GT6 will not be a launch title for PS4 but will be released on PS3 in December.
Still unclear whether we can use our Wheel accessories for PS4.
They really need to hold a GT Academy for us Canadians. If only I was eligible for the US one :O

I meant drive club and that would be a crock of **** if they didn't but considering GT6 will be available for both systems, I can't imagine them not making available and yeah Polyphony (kazunori Yuroichi) said it won't be released on PS4 but they will do GT7 on PS4. Not that I care, GT6 will be my last PS3 game and I probably won't get a PS4 until black Friday of next

Thoughts on PS4?
I haven't got mine yet but I will post up after is try it out!

Thoughts on PS4?

The system itself is pretty good, it's just a matter of finding some games you want to play. There aren't an abundance of launch games. I picked up Need For Speed Rivals, which is better than expected, actually - it's quite good. Battlefield 4 is pretty good too, according to my family - I already own it on PC. Call of Duty is....the same as all of the other ones, with slightly better graphics, but not as good as BF4. There are a few sports titles which are supposed to be good, but I don't play sports games, so I couldn't tell you my own thoughts on it. Assassins creed is also supposed to be good.

There are some 'Free to Play' games available, all of which are supposed to be okay.
Incredible machine! Killzone has kept me playing since I picked up my PS4 Friday morning... My only complaints so far are the battery life of the remotes < 4 hours... and Bluray operation. Its slow, and locked up the machine once.
Incredible machine! Killzone has kept me playing since I picked up my PS4 Friday morning... My only complaints so far are the battery life of the remotes < 4 hours... and Bluray operation. Its slow, and locked up the machine once.

I thought bluray playback wasn't available at launch...
No games out there, right now, make me wanna go and get the PS4. The fact that the GT6 will be for PS3 and not for PS4 makes me think even more about having to pickup PS4.

I also see that they will continue to release PS3 games for a looong time.
No games out there, right now, make me wanna go and get the PS4. The fact that the GT6 will be for PS3 and not for PS4 makes me think even more about having to pickup PS4.

I also see that they will continue to release PS3 games for a looong time.

This. I don't play enough to warrant it and since they're going to make ps3 games for a while I'll keep it. If they would have made it backwards compatible maybe but yet again they didn't so no buy for me

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Kinda ****** my PX5 headset doesn't work with the PS4, I can hear sound but can't use the mic because PS4 isn't compatible with it, have to buy a separate cable.. Hope they patch that soon, would rather use my bluetooth technology.
Incredible machine! Killzone has kept me playing since I picked up my PS4 Friday morning... My only complaints so far are the battery life of the remotes < 4 hours... and Bluray operation. Its slow, and locked up the machine once.

I found killzone to be ... meh ... for $60, i found the $10 resogun (free for ps+) more fun.
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