anyone buying ps4 or xbox one

I'm getting the PS4 off the bat, and I'll get the Xbox later. Reports are saying it's slightly more powerful than the Xbox One. The first couple of cross platform games are looking better and running at a higher resolution on PS4 (CoD and BF4).

The PS4 is also $100 less.
I am.

I'm getting the PS4 on launch day and will pick up NBA 2K14 for sure. I'm up in the air which FPS to get...not much of COD fan but I have a choice between BF4 or Killzone.

The reason for going with PS4? I've always been partial to the first party games of Sony, and's a hundred bucks cheaper.
Waiting so they can figure out the bugs.... probably get one in 6 months or so
Annoyed they didn't make the ps4 compatible with ps3 games. Not that I play a lot of them but to have to go out and buy it all again just to update, no thanks. The only reason I really went with a ps3 in the first place was for the blu ray player. I heard somewhere that now you'll have to pay to play online just like xbox? Is this true?
Annoyed they didn't make the ps4 compatible with ps3 games. Not that I play a lot of them but to have to go out and buy it all again just to update, no thanks. The only reason I really went with a ps3 in the first place was for the blu ray player. I heard somewhere that now you'll have to pay to play online just like xbox? Is this true?
Yeah the original 30GB ps3 are backwards compatible and play PS2 games but they soon realized why give them more when you can charge them out the *** using playstation network. Some games I will never play again because they aren't popular enough to be remastered.
Had they made the PS4 backwards compatible I would've jumped on it, but seriously I still think the PS3 has a lot of life left. I got a handful of games that I haven't even finished lol. How much better really is it than a PS3? I'll prob just wait it out. I don't think I cam jump on a xbox though. The controls are just too weird for me.
Damn straight I am getting both systems, I have every system so far & over 500 games for them & I don't plan on getting rid of them but the newer games now will be a hell of a lot better graphic wise so it's time to start building up on the new stuff lol!
Damn straight I am getting both systems, I have every system so far & over 500 games for them & I don't plan on getting rid of them but the newer games now will be a hell of a lot better graphic wise so it's time to start building up on the new stuff lol!

wow 500 games
I guess I'm f'ing nuts to most people but I'm the guy that ordered the Xbone first and I'm getting the PS4 after. I figure get the day one edition if I was going to get one.

This is my signature
Yeah the original 30GB ps3 are backwards compatible and play PS2 games but they soon realized why give them more when you can charge them out the *** using playstation network. Some games I will never play again because they aren't popular enough to be remastered.

you mean that the 20 and 60 GB were backwards compatible? I don't recall a 30gb...
I spent about 2 minutes on the PS4... with Killzone. That's probably the only time I'll spend on it...
Yeah the original 30GB ps3 are backwards compatible and play PS2 games but they soon realized why give them more when you can charge them out the *** using playstation network. Some games I will never play again because they aren't popular enough to be remastered.

It costs a significant amount of money to build in the functionality, since it requires extra hardware. Charging everyone $100 extra for functionality that most people don't want isn't good business sense.

I don't know about anyone else, but I will rarely go back and play an old game once the new version is out. If for some reason I want to, I still have the old system.

I heard somewhere that now you'll have to pay to play online just like xbox? Is this true?

Correct, to play online you need a PlayStation Plus membership ($50/yr). Makes sense, it isn't free to run a good online system.
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Correct, to play online you need a PlayStation Plus membership ($50/yr). Makes sense, it isn't free to run a good online system.
Yeah cuz all those PC guys that have had decent free systems for years are just crazy.
Yeah cuz all those PC guys that have had decent free systems for years are just crazy.

I'm a PC guy, so I'm aware of how this works.

The online components work completely differently, and it's not as simple as "It's free on PC, and should be on Xbox/PS4".

On PC, teams/groups rent servers and set them up themselves, where with Xbox, they're provided to you through xbox live. That's one of the things the subscription pays for, and game servers are very expensive. You get some sort of voip chat as well, which someone on PC needs to configure themselves or purchase. There is also a store where you can get demos, and dlc, and exclusive content - all of which costs money. On PC, you're lucky if you get the game in the first place.
I'm a PC guy, so I'm aware of how this works.

The online components work completely differently, and it's not as simple as "It's free on PC, and should be on Xbox/PS4".

On PC, teams/groups rent servers and set them up themselves, where with Xbox, they're provided to you through xbox live. That's one of the things the subscription pays for, and game servers are very expensive. You get some sort of voip chat as well, which someone on PC needs to configure themselves or purchase. There is also a store where you can get demos, and dlc, and exclusive content - all of which costs money. On PC, you're lucky if you get the game in the first place.

All my free (both to play and download) Steam games have all those things, too...

My friend tells me he has to pay for xbox live to watch Netflix on his xbox. That makes no sense to me.
Will PSN still be free for PS3 users?

The free PSN is one of the few things keeping me on a PS. Not that I'm a "gamer" I haven't touched my PS3 in 5 or 6 months now. I'll probably start playing it over the winter, but mostly just granturismo... I'm assuming they have a new version of that game for the PS4?

Are controllers backward compatible? I have a good steering wheel for my PS3 that I would like to be able to keep using if I ever got a PS4
Had they made the PS4 backwards compatible I would've jumped on it, but seriously I still think the PS3 has a lot of life left. I got a handful of games that I haven't even finished lol. How much better really is it than a PS3? I'll prob just wait it out. I don't think I cam jump on a xbox though. The controls are just too weird for me.

Same here. I'll get a ps4 eventually, but still have at least a 1/2 dozen games to finish, and I'll let some time pass for any bugs to get sorted (and the cost to come down theoretically).
I thought the PS4 was built to play all games from Ps1 to Ps3?

And originally i thought that online play was to remain free, as its a huge selling point unlike Xbox.

Ill be keeping my Ps3 for this year, and waiting for backwards compatibility than.
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