Freedom had some growing pains, particularly back during the Wind era, however I'm the type who supports the scrappy underdog, and honestly, even back in the Wind days as long as you had realistic expectations, well, I was paying a third of what I was paying with Fido, previously Bell before that. I've saved literally tens of thousands of dollars now over the years.
Ask for data usage, once you are outside of their home network your roam on one of the big three, and like I said, your phone will switch to one of the three to ensure that you always have service. The only stipulation with roaming is that you don't spend months outside of their home zone, i.e. permanent roaming. During the summer I regularly use more than half of my monthly data allotment roaming however and I've never had any sort of problems from them over it honestly.
Our plan has had the included US roaming since forever, so whereas everybody else was paying through the nose years ago whenever we would cross the border, we always just laughed and kept using our phones without a worry in the world. Now almost all of their plans have US roaming included and then Big 3 are scurrying to catch up and stop the bleeding as a lot of people are switching.